Come back to me!

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As they reached back Korea, they knew they are gonna be hell busy.
Taehyung went back to his place and Sneha to hers.
Work began.
Taehyung used to be so busy with songs, content shooting, personal commitments, ads, practice and everything.
Sneha used to be busy as she used to go to her office to work all day and then sit at Starbucks in the evening and study for 4-5 hours.
They could hardly meet on weekends, but whenever or howsoever it was, they were the happiest then. They became each other's charging point I guess so.

BTS Comeback did happen and it was freaking huge. With the new album, they announced a world tour for 2 months starting from Seoul.

Time skip: Day of Concert at Seoul.
Sneha did go early to the concert. She went back to the celebrity's room to meet him. When she saw Taehyung all dressed up, getting his makeup done, she felt she fell for him more. She looked around and the rest of the boys were getting ready too.
They all looked so Magnificent.
Her Army mode was activated.
Taehyung looked at her gasping and observing everything and chuckled a little.
She couldn't control herself and shouted, "Mr Kim!"
Three heads turned. Namjoon, Seokjin and Taehyung's. All smiling at her... and kinda confused.
She went, "Ah sorry sorry." Taehyung then stood up, she came to him from back and back and hugged him. His smile was all over his face.
She said, "I fell in love with you once again."
Taehyung replied, "Oh you did. I feel so much better now that I have seen you."
She broke the hug and turned him around and said, "I would say, the feeling is mutual Mr Kim."
Taehyung, "Well well..."
They were staring at each other.
Jungkook suddenly said, "Get a room you two!"
Sneha chuckled and Taehyung said, "If only we could!" and sighed. Everyone started laughing.
Sneha went all red. She looked at Taehyung, and Taehyung smirked.
Sneha then hit him one on the back and said, "Don't mind him!! He is just..."

The manager came and told the guys it was almost time.
Taehyung then said, "Umm, It's almost time, baby!"
Then Sneha said, "Ohh! All the best Guys!! I mean like you guys are the best so yeah! Lessgetagitget!!!"
All of them laughed and looked at Jungkook.
Sneha got a bit shy, and then Taehyung petted her head, thinking how cute it was.
And Hobi said, "Thank you thank you our little sister!!"
She smiled at that sentence. It was like family somehow.
She then kissed Taehyung on his cheeks and left.
The performances started and ended!
She shouted so much that at last, she couldn't feel her voice.
She was swooned! By the Boys and Taehyung especially.

Like this, The best concert of her life ended.
As she got back home, it hit her.
He is gonna go for almost 2 and a half months in 4 days and her exams are around that time too.
Taehyung met her the next day, and they spent the whole day together, cuddled up, home-cooking, and spending quality time, together. As Taehyung was leaving that day, Sneha got a bit teary-eyed. She was gonna miss him so much. Taehyung was thinking the same thing, that he wouldn't be able to see his favourite face for almost 2 and a half months.

The next day, she went over to his place to help him pack. He was gonna leave tomorrow, and she cannot see him off. It is the last time they were seeing each other for 2 and more months. Both of them couldn't comprehend this weird feeling.
Sneha finally said, "Come back to me real soon na. I will be waiting. And take care of yourself, don't get sick okay."
Taehyung replied, "I will. As soon as it ends. You too eat well, sleep well, don't get sick and study very well. You can do this, baby."
Sneha: "I know I can. I will see you then, Mr Kim. I love you so fucking much."
Taehyung replies, "I love you more."

They kiss each other hoping to buy more time...
BTS left the next day.
They were both very busy, but they kept sending each other pictures and videos and kept calling too.
Like this 2 and half months almost went by.
It was tough for them but it wasn't that tough.
They could manage just fine, it proved their bond was strong. Also, their minds were filled with each other.

BTS's last concert was done. And the next day Sneha had her exam. She was very stressed. Since a week before they haven't been talking much as her full focus is on this exam.
The next day, She goes to the exam centre.
Her exam started at 11 am and it would end at around 2 pm.
She gave her exam, it went okayish, she was neither happy nor sad. Coming out of the exam centre, she saw a fully masked man standing in front of a car. The car she knows very well.
She took a good look and saw the person smiling at her. It's him. She ran to him, He ran to her, and He opens his arms for her, She jumps at him and hugs him so tight. The people around kept on staring at them...
She said, "You are here. You came back!!!"
Taehyung replied, "I did. I had to come home na. I missed you..."
Sneha smiles so wide listening to this. She replies, "I missed you so fucking much.."
Taehyung laughs. They got into the car. And went home. Sneha wasn't leaving Taehyung only. She was stuck to him. They talked about different things about what they did when they weren't together.
Taehyung suddenly got a call from the company that someone made a video of them outside the exam centre. It was good that no one could identify Taehyung or else there would have been issues. It is trending on Naver, with the caption "You came back!"
Seeing this Sneha smiled and said, "Oh I did that!"
Taehyung: "Yup you did! Don't worry they will take this down asap!"
Sneha: "Who cares. Tell me, Weren't you supposed to be back in a week or more?"
Taehyung: "Well I had an important task. So, I came."
Sneha: "What task?"
Taehyung: "Making my queen happy." He gives his boxy smile.
Sneha gets red and says, "You are such a charmer, shit. And thank you for coming! I missed you so much, especially today. I was so nervous about the exam, I thought I will die."
Taehyung: "You are so hard-working, babe. You shouldn't worry about anything, I know you can do it. And I came back for myself too, I couldn't wait to see you and..."
He kisses her.
They were so happy, together...
They had dinner and slept together...
The day ended.

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