It starts with us.

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So, we are chilling.
Like doing nothing, when I asked what we were upto.
Both of them gave me a look, and said nonchalantly "Nothing."
I am not sure, if I was expecting this.
But to my surprise, it was calming. Just three of us talking, and sipping some juices. Thanks to that, me and her, we are not that awkward anymore. I don't want to categorise her as a friend, but yes.

Taejoon ditched us, like he just got up and said, "I am leaving have other plans."
Maybe he is helping me, but he said to play it cool.
I got a text from him, "You are lucky to have a brother like me."
I chuckled, and found it amusing how he wants me to get to know her. It is like he is setting us up.
"What's funny?" Sneha asked surprised as she looked up from her phone.

"Nothing, just some joke."
She smiled, "Ah, anyways you Ramyeon Meokgo galrae?"
Huh? What? Is it the literal meaning?
I mean, it's too soon.
"Mr Kim. Mr Kim, are you there? Ramyeon meokgo galrae? Mr Kim, are you hungry? I want to eat some Ramen, do you want to eat too?"
Ahhh, so the other meaning.

I chuckle, "Yeah sure, Unpopular opinion but I make really good ramen!"
"So do I!" She laughs.
"Wanna bet? It is KTH Special, I think you will lose."
She rolled her eyes and said, "I don't lose, sir."
"So the bet is on."
"Bro, bring it on! Let's see who is a better cook?"
I am a what? Bro??
I replied, "First of all, I am not your bro.
Secondly, Let's not judge our cooking skills basis instant noodles."
She looked at me blankly. Fuck, Shouldn't have said that.
She smiled a rather soft on, "Yes, don't wanna get killed if someone overhears our conversation."

We did make ramens, it was kinda fun?
I like her spirit, our recipes are very different. I am kinda excited to try the one she made.
"Obviously mine is better." She declared.
"We haven't tried it!"
"But I think, there should be a third person. We cannot be biased." She thought.
I said, "We can ask Eomma?"
She smirked, "Then be ready to lose, she loves me."
"Aren't you a little overconfident here, I am her child!!" I replied.
"We will see, I just now it. Also to be fair to the kid here, we will not tell which one is whose." She said with sarcasm.
"Says the one who is actually a kid." I replied.

This war, bet thing is interesting. I am just thankful that because of this she isn't awkward with me anymore. I don't care about the bet, I think I have already won!!
In the next few minutes, Eomma came and laughed at our childishness.
She said, "You kids"
She tried the one I made and rated it a 9.
Sneha couldn't stop smiling, she smirked at me and mouthed 'You lose'
To my surprise, I did lose by 0.5
Eomma rated the ramen she made a 9.5
Rather than celebrating her win, she asked my mother why was it 9.5 and not 10. This competitive girl, I want to laugh. But somehow I know, if I do she will rip me off. It is adorable, how scary sometimes she gets.
I have seen the way her face straightens when she is around people she doesn't know, she looks intimidating. I find it amusing and attractive, aghhh.
As Eomma left, I gave her a fist bump, she made a sad face and replied, "I got a 9.5."
I laughed, "You still won?"
"That doesn't help, but good bet."
I couldn't help it, I just ruffled her hair a little. She looked me soft and froze.
To clear the air, I said, "So what do you want?"
She was now focused on the ramen, "Let's eat before it gets soggy. Try this."
She gave me a bite of ramen, from her own hand!! And I subconsciously ate it!! What?
I hope my ears are red. But I think she blushed a little, Agh. It's tormenting to not know, but I am taking it slow. Angels, help me.
"Its actually good, I would rate it a 10."
She smiled wide, "Thanks, but I can do better you know."
I smiled, "Yes absolutely, but this is perfect too. Here, try this."
She took a bite, and got this one look which cannot be comprehended into words.
"Wow, this is amazing. It somehow just hits the spot you know."
I couldn't help but chuckle.
We finished eating fairly fast, maybe we actually we very hungry.
"So anyways about the bet, what do you want?"
She replied, "Umm, nothing. We didn't bet a thing."
"But a bet is a bet, ask anything!"
She gave a devilish smile, "Are you sure you can give anything I ask for?"
Is she... no get a grip Taehyung.
I nodded, "Yes"
She laughed, "A walk then?"
A walk?
"Right now, together?" I asked all confused
"Yes, right now. Together."
So it is. Somehow, my heart feels warm.
Her phone rings, and as she is there in her room talking. I came across her picture with her family. Looking at it, I cannot believe, I actually found someone who makes me feel so warm and happy so easily.

"Huh, sorry about that. So, where we going?" She barged in as I was looking at her picture.
"Aren't I cute?" she asked as she stepped beside me to look at the picture.
I looked at her speechless.
She chuckled, "Aha, it's just me being a narcissist."
"I am sorry, I forgot it was you, I was saying that too. Like you are someone who looks like he is straight out of some heaven."
I try to comprehend what she is trying to say. Why is she implying that a person who looks like me cannot be find a person like her to be cute. It doesn't make sense.
"But you are cute. I am not sure, why you wouldn't believe that." I replied sincerely.
I want to understand what made her say that and everything about her.
She looked speechless and just smiled. I think we have time, baby. I will tell you all the beautiful things that you are.
Ah, the air is heavy.
"Why don't we go for a drive? Then there is this place we can have a good long walk."
She smiled, "Sure, both the things I love."
Both? Both?
I looked at her in confusion. She realised what she said and corrected, "Like drives and walks."
I find her need to explain, annoyingly cute.

The car ride, wow.
She looked out the whole time, singing songs.
She was visibly having fun, I am so glad that my playlist was being appreciated. There were some instances, where we were just looking at eachother, singing the lyrics out loud and smiling.
And now, here we are.
"This is my favourite place, for a breather." I said, as I opened the door, for which I ask her to wait in the car.
I gave her my hand, and she smiled as she held it to get down of the car.
"Thank you! It looks amazing."
"It is, it has this beautiful view and a calm energy to it." I replied.
"For a change, I can see the stars....
and the moon..." She looked up as we started walking.
I think she forgot that she is still holding my hand. Not like I am complaining. It is somehow very warm.
"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" I said, it was a beautiful full moon night.
She chuckled, "You know, in literary world this phrase means I love you. Like it is some Japanese translation."
Oh. I know, I know. I don't care if it's too soon, but the moon is beautiful, isn't it?
"Tsuki ga kirei desu ne?" I translated.
"Yes, this one." She exclaimed.
"Oh..I kinda like that."
She smiled, "I do too. I would die if one day someone actually says that to me."
I will remember that.
"So, how is work? I mean since you shifted from India. Like the work culture is very different." I asked curiously.
She looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Can I be honest?"
I chucked, "Yes." I am now expecting a vey  real response.
"In 4 letters, Shit. I never thought I would say this, but Indian work culture is better than Korean work culture. I mean, this whole hierarchy and people pleasing it is annoying. I don't mean to offend, but it is just annoying. Like fucking just work and go home. Why do they need it to make it so fucking difficult?"
"That was pretty descriptive. Well actually, I can understand. I mean, my job if I am being honest revolves a lot around it. But then, the love we receive makes it easier."
She chuckles, "Yes, the whole fandom is wholesome. I love being an ARMY. If only, my clients loved me the same."
I laughed out, our conversations can take such interesting turns.
She sighed and I looked around.
This place, it feels more peaceful today somehow.
We were silent for a while, just walking hand in hand.
I don't feel like letting go.

"It's getting late." She sighed
I looked at my watch, it's 11 already.
I sighed, "We should leave then."
She looked at me, with her puppy eyes, "I don't feel like going. Uh, 5 more minutes."
I don't want to leave to, just yet.
I am not sure if it was 5 minutes or 30, but it felt less.
We are finally in the car now, not hand in hand. Somehow it feels weird.
"You want to have some coffee? Or something?"
She had those sparkly eyes, "Coffee? Where?"
I chuckled, "There is this really good cafe, we can go there."
"But you don't drink coffee, we can have something else." She replied
"Oh, I asked around for good coffee places... like for knowledge."
Knowledge?? Am I dumb?
"Then knowledge helped, anyways what will you have?"
"Umm, Strawberry milkshake"
"I love those too, now I am confused."
I chucked, "It is a 20 minute ride, you have time to think. If you cannot decide, have some from mine."
She looked at me with those big eyes, "Ahah."

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