Heart of New York City

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The moment the bright sunlight hit my eyes, I hissed loudly, stumbling back into the soothing shadows and shielding my face. 

Today was the final day of work-- I had finished my engineering project, my AI could fully comprehend what was happening around it with minimal effort and its response-- absolutely astonishing. 

My blouse ruffled in the wind, its obnoxious wail cutting through the New York skyline as the winds rose around me. My memory mocked me as I recalled the abandoned jacket on my sofa. I should have brought it. The present wavered around me, the rushing people became a mirage, and my bedroom walls surrounded me.

My alarm blared, the digits an exhausting 4:00. Felix, my cat, jumped onto my face and mercilessly rubbed his frail body over my hair--succeeding in making it resemble a bird's nest. Annoyance radiated off of me until I realized what day it was. The 24th! Finally, it was here, I had flipped through countless magazine articles all lecturing me on ways to speak to an audience. 

Chin up, don't slouch, speak clearly, engage your audience but don't mandate them, dress properly, don't wear bright colors, it was all jumbled in my brain now. 

Water sounded against the tiles, my skin warm and colored as I rushed out of my bath. Today was the day.

Picking up the outfit I had laid out the night before, I quickly put it on. Makeup was minimal like always, concealer, mascara, and lip balm embellished my facial features. My hands started their routine process of putting my hair in a ponytail. The crisp blazer hugged my petit form, black pants and brown loafers followed. 

For special occasions like this, my diamond necklace met the sun, its white hue blinding.

 Swinging my purse over my left shoulder, I grabbed the files detailing the newest technology me and my team have discovered. A blessed smile graced my lips, all those late nights and early mornings have paid off. 

 The life I worked so hard for, it was here. 

Right here in the heart of New York City. 

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