From a bully to a lover part 4

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After the little incident in the janitor's closet in school, I skipped the rest of my classes to go to the mall.

I bought a whole new closet. Tank tops, shorts, skirts, crop tops, snapbacks and makeup, instead of my old baggy jeans and cardigans. I also got my hair dyed and cut. I went to the optician and picked up my long awaited eye contacts.

I got home just before school ended and put everything I bought into my closet and my old clothes in the bin. I got rid of my glasses and already saw that it was 5 O'clock, giving me exactly 2 hours to get ready for a party that some random jock is throwing. I curled my hair, my makeup dark. My outfit consisted of black short shorts and a loose colorful top. I checked the clock and saw that it was 6:45. I stepped into my heels and drove off. When I walked in the house, the party was in full swing. People dancing, drinking or making out. I felt so out of place but I had to overcome my fear if I wanted to change from the nerdy, bullied girl. I stumbled through the sea of people into the kitchen. I took a red solo cup and filled it with water. Someone grabbed me by the waist unexpectedly and I spilled my drink all over their shirt.

"I'm so so so sorry." I continuously apologized, taking hundreds of napkins and trying to dry their shirt. Napkins were everywhere. The guy that I was trying to dry off was laughing at me. I blushed and finally took a look at the guy. And to my shock it was......guess who ? Yes your one and only Sammy Wilkinson.

"Hey sexy mama." he says jokingly. I immediately blushed and looked away. I turned around ready to leave, when a hand grabbed mine and quickly spun me around, resulting in me hitting a wall. Suddenly the wall started vibrating and it took me a while to realize that in fact, it wasn't a wall but Sammy's chest.

"Why don't we go upstairs ?" he wiggled his eyebrows at me suggestively. I merely nodded and I was already being dragged up the stairs. We found an empty bedroom and entered it, both of us sitting down on the bed. I don't think he recognized me yet.

"Can I ask you a question ?" I whispered seductively in his ear. He swallowed visibly but nodded nonetheless.

"So I'm new here and I just started going to the school here two weeks ago and I saw you bullying this girl. Why ?" I asked, making sure to make my voice seem higher.

"Can I t-trust you ?" he asked nervously. I nodded and gently took his hand in mine.
He took a deep breath and started his story-

"It started in kindergarten, Y/N and her friends used to bully me because I was really short for my age. This led to everyone bullying me, all my friends turned against me, I had no one, not even in middle school. Towards the end of elementary school though, something happened to her, I don't know what but she got amnesia. She didn't remember anything which got me really mad. So in high school I decided to get my revenge. I started bullying her along with my 3 friends and every time she asked me why, I would get even angrier, because she didn't remember any fucking thing she did to me. Even though I grew to love her through the years, I still bullied her, I don't know why I didn't just apologize, probably because of my pride. I regret it every single day though." he finally said, his head in his hands, tears streaming down his face.

" love me ?" I blurted out, my own tears falling down my face. He looked up, recognition dawned his face.

"Um......n-no.....I me-mean y-ye-yes......?" he stuttered adorably, his cheeks turning a bright pink, his eyes still puffy from crying.

"I-i love you too." I said, leaning forward and pressing my lips against his. His hands immediately flew up to cup my face. I pulled away to catch my breath.

"Make love to me." I whispered biting my lip at the thought. A huge grin spread across his face. Without me even registering what was happening, our clothes were in a pile on the floor and I was laying naked on the bed with Sammy putting a condom on. Sammy hovered over me with lustfilled eyes.

"Are you sure ?" he asked uncertainly. I nodded and got ready for the pain that was coming. Sammy kissed my forehead before easing himself into me slowly. I hissed out in pain through my gritted teeth. He started going in and out of me at a slow pace. My teeth were clawing at his back, definitely leaving marks.

I reached down to rub my clit, immediately adding another wave of pleasure to my body. I moan loudly at the pleasure Sammy's giving me. I quickened my pace while Sammy continued to push in and out of me at a slow pace, making love to me.

"Sammy I-I'm near." I shout, squirting everywhere, the same time Sammy released his juices into the condom. He collapsed onto the bed beside me, breathing heavily.

"That. Was. Awesome." he shouts in between breaths.

"I love you Y/N." he whispers wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into his chest.

"I love you too Sammy." I whisper, falling into oblivion.

Heyyy guys !!!! How is everyone ???
Please if you have any requests on an imagine please message me here on wattpad ! I hope you liked it ! If you did let me know by commenting your fave part and voting !!!

Love you

-Laura xox

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