• Our secret •

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Sammy, Skate and I were hanging out at Sammy's house. We were currently playing Call of Duty on the Xbox when Nate suddenly stood up blocking my view of the zombies trying to kill me.

"Alright guys, I hate to do this but.....you need to sort this shit out." he said sincerity seeping through his husky voice.

Sammy and I looked at each other and I saw a tinge of reluctance weaved through the pools of chocolate he calls his eyes.

"What do you mean ?" I asked batting my eyelashes at him. A look of annoyance passed his face but he hid it quickly.

"I mean you need to sort everything out between yourselfs, it's getting fucking annoying being your messenger man, guys you're supposed to be in a relationship for fuck's sake !" he exclaimed in irritation.

"Well I'm not really sure he wants to be anymore." my head signalled over to Sammy who just frowned upon my statement.

"What the fuck are you talking about ?! Of course I want to be in a relationship with you !" Sammy exclaims after a few seconds of awkward silence.

"Yeah you DEFINITELY do ! When all you care for is for me not to tell anyone ! Even Nate found out by accident !" I shout the anger riling up inside of me into beatiful flames of fury.

"I don't want you to tell anyone because they would make fun of me for finally settling down with someone ! I thought you understood that ?!" he shouts back at me, his face now morphed into one of anger and disappointment. At some point Nate must have left as I saw an empty space where he was previously standing.

"So you don't want them to know that you're with me because they would make fun of you for not being a fucking whore ?" I asked calmly. A flash of hurt passed his face but it soon turned into one of thoughtfulness.

"I can't believe you." I said my voice cracking at the end. And I hated that. How vulnerable I sounded.

"If you still want to be a fucking whore you can. I'm not going to be in your way. I knew this wouldn't work out anyway. You don't care about people's feelings. At least not enough. I'm breaking up with you. No one has to know about this. But please don't talk to me ever again okay ? I don't want to see your face ever again." I whispered the last part, tears streaming down my face into an invisible puddle at my feet.

Then I left. Not saying goodbye. Not caring about the pleading in Sammy's eyes. I sprinted to my car and quickly sped off. A loud sob racked my body when I turned the corner. It hurt. Everything hurt. The way Sammy didn't care enough about me to quit his man-whore ways or the way he acted so nonchalant about it. But what hurt the most was the fact that he didn't even deny it.

My jumper was practically soaked by the time I got to my apartment.
Why ? Why me ? I thought as I made myself dinner. Which consisted of Mac n' Cheese. I sat down on my messy living room couch as I started a new episode of Teen Wolf on Netflix.

"Stiles... why can't I find a boyfriend like you ?" I asked my laptop screen just as someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it ?" I shouted but no one answered instead another series of knocks sounded on my apartment door. I groaned to myself as I got up to answer the door. I really wasn't in the mood for that.

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