Wedding singer - Kian Lawley

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Word count : 1.6k
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You just arrived at the appointed meeting point of your sister's hen party. You had to admit, you were really excited. Your sister kept every aspect of the party from you, apparently she has organized a surprise for you. You were beyond excited to see what it was.

Tonight you decided you could let go for one night so you went all out with your appearance, 6 inch heels and all.

You got out of your cab and looked at the shocking sight in front of you. She brought you to a beach. Wow, just great, the one time you wear heels. Although you were mildly irritated, you still walked on, after all, it is your sister's night tonight, guess you just had to suck it up. Also you really wanted to know what the surprise was.

After a few wrong turns and a whole lot of confusion, you made it to your sister, she looked like she was having the time of her life.

"Hey Y/N! Are you having fun?" She asked giggling, already being slightly tipsy. You chuckled to yourself, you should've known that she would go all out.

You left her to herself and made your way to the refreshments table, where you filled up your plate to the brim with snacks and finger food. You like my food, what could you say.

You reached your reserved table, which was one of the cheap, white plastic kind. Couldn't blame your sister for trying to save money on the party, she went crazy for her wedding already. You sat down and started to munch on the snacks, stuffing your cheeks like a chipmunk. Very attractive.

As you were happily chewing on the amazing food, the lights came on on the mini stage and you nearly fell off of your chair. A band came on and it wasn't just any band, it was Kian Lawley's band. The one and only. My long time crush, Kian Lawley. You quickly left your table and got yourself a few drinks, to loosen up. You weren't about to make a fool of yourself in front of the boy you've admired for years.

This could be an opportunity for you to finally show him who you are, since he has definitely never noticed you before. You grabbed some of your sister's friends and you danced together. You brought out your best moves. Although you were trying to focus on dancing and having fun, your eyes couldn't hello but wander to Kian's perfectly sculpted lips and thoughts of what he could do with that mouth of his to you sent blood rushing to your cheeks. Once their set finished you ran for the bathrooms.

As you ran for dear life, you thought of how he definitely noticed you staring. You thought of how he must think you're a creep now. Your thoughts were cut short when you went flying to the ground, as you ran into something rock hard. Your hand flew up to your forehead to check for any blood, but luckily there wasn't any.  As you were about to get up, an arm reached out towards you, an arm full of tattooed you spent every class admiring. With a shaky hand you grabbed onto it and you were hauled up quickly, avoiding eye contact. It took you a second to compose yourself, as best as you could anyway.

"I-I'm sorry, I should've been-n  looking where I was going" you stammered.

"No it's okay, I was in the way" he replied smoothly. You just looked away, embarrassed.

"I-I should get going now" you mumbled and made a move to walk away when he grabbed your hand and soon you around to face him.

He looked at me, smirking.
"What ?" You asked.

"I saw you looking at me." He replied, smiling to himself.

"When ?" You feigned innocence.

"Tonight, in class, at lunch" he just casually listed off, making you more embarrassed by the second. You cleared your throat and looked down in shame. You made a move to walk past him but he stepped in front of you. What now? Did he want too call you out on being creepy ? Or even better, humiliate you even more by rejecting you ?

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