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"It's a nice day to start again"

Months progressed after the Star Court disaster

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Months progressed after the Star Court disaster. The gang began school as normal, without a word of what truly happened inside that building. The news and government covered it up as a fire. But that wasn't what really happened. The mindflayer possessed the body of Billy Hargrove, killed dozens of people in it's wake. Samantha's best friend sacrificed himself to save El, the gang and her life. Hopper disappeared, Mrs. Byers packed up Will, Jon, and El and moved elsewhere for a new start. No one could blame her. Max had gotten distant after her step-brothers death, hardly speaking to her friends. Only really spoke to her mother and Billy's close female friend.

Things seemed to go back to normal after July, since school started Samantha tried to find her place again. She went from a nobody, to queen of Hawkins high along side Billy, back to nobody. Students pitied her, the girl seeming completely lost without him. The two were inseparable since his arrival to Hawkins, they immediately hit things off. Over the remainder of the summer, Sam and Maxine rebuilt Billy's beloved Camaro after the incident, the two bonded, cried, laughed over the Camaro, thinking about all the memories or stories they had.

The early fall morning, Sam clutched Billy's leather jacket close to her body as she stood outside in the Henderson driveway waiting for her little brother Dustin. She was grateful that Ms. Mayfield had let her keep some of Billy's things after his passing. Knowing full well that his abusive father would have thrown everything if given the chance. Dustin quickly ran out of the house pulling the blonde haired girl from her thoughts.

"Took you long enough, " She teased her freshman brother as she got into the Camaro.

"I couldn't find my Hellfire shirt!" He defended.

"Did you forget that you had mom wash it last night?" She laughed giving him a pointed look.

"Yes! Yes I did, jesus!"

"Well Dusty Bun, if you weren't up all night talking to Suzie, maybe you would have remembered!" She giggled as he shoved her gently.

"I was not talking to her all night!"

"Oh you're right! Only til 3:30 in the morning, my mistake,"

"Like you weren't sneaking back in the house then," Her brother held a good point.

"I snuck back in at 2, thank you very much you dweeb,"

"What were you even doing out anyway?"

"That's none of you business Dusty Bun!"

"Yeah, okay I'll find out soon! And quit calling me that!" The two argued as she put the car in park at the high school. Dustin hurriedly hopped out the car, running off to go meet Mike somewhere. She slung her bag over her shoulder walking into the building. Samantha threw some of her things into her locker before headed to the first class.

As the bell rung, Samantha sat in the back of World History. Pulling out her notebook for notes and doodling, a lanky body plopped down next her. She peeked out of the corner of her eye, Eddie 'The Freak' Munson sat next to her. The girl instantly recognized the Hellfire Club shirt, this was the head guy of the D&D club. As class begun, Eddie slumped back in his seat drumming his fingers against the table to a beat she never heard before.

"Okay class, for our project on historical figures. You will be paired up with the person next to you. You will have several weeks to work on this project and write a 5 page report of the figure of your choosing. You may begin," The teacher spoke out over the class.

Sam sighed heavily and slowly turned her head to her partner, who looked at her with a large smirk. She didn't figure he would be much help to her and this project in anyway. Joy.

"Looks like we're partners, " He grinned at her, "I don't believe I ever got your name before,"

"Sam Henderson," She ground out lowly, eyeing him.

"Eddie Munson," The wild haired boy held out his hand towards her as she closed hers around his. The rings feeling cool against her hand, she began to relax into his touch. He didn't seem so bad.

"Wait, I do know you! You're the Princess of Hawkins!" He chuckled as he held her hand.

"Was. Im just me now. No Princess or anything. But I know who you are, Freak," She gave him a teasing smirk as she finally pulled away her hand.

"Right, no more Hargrove in this shithole," He nodded.

Sam kept quiet, dropping her head at the mention of Billy. Her knee began to bounce anxiously. Eddie quickly noticed the change in her, he silently cursed to himself.

Sighing softly, he placed his hand on her knee to stop it from bouncing, "Hey, Im sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I shouldn't have said that."

"It's fine. Shits just hard sometimes," She spoke softly as she slowly looked at the boy.

"Lets change the subject. So the project, my place or yours? I will worn you I have my band practice and D&D on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday," Eddie spoke, hoping to lighten her mood.

"Where ever is fine, but if its mine. You don't acknowledge my geek little brother," She smirked.

"Oh, thats right! You're little Dustin's sister!" He chuckled and smirked. The girl smiled and nodded.

The two mingled over class talking about whatever popped into mind. The bell had rung signaling for next class, gathering her things to leave.

"Sam, sit with us at lunch. That's if you aren't too good to hang around the freaks," He smirked at her, giving her the devil horns.

"You got it, Freak." She giggled softly as she walked away for the next class.



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~ Sometimes PLAYLIST ~

Mr. Loverman | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now