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"Smokin' in the boys room"

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"Smokin' in the boys room"

Walking out the lunch line, Sam quickly spotted the Hellfire clan at their normal table. Minus her little brother and his friends. Making her way quietly to the table, the loud boy catching her eyes and giving her a large welcoming smile. The remainder of the boys gave the blonde haired girl confused looks, glancing at their game master.

"You know its rude to stare right?" She snarked to the boys as she sat down on the other side of Eddie.

"Uh, well its just... you know.." The boy stuttered as Eddie gave the two an amused look.

"I knowww, what?" She pressed, raising an eyebrow before picking at her lunch.

"You're Sam Henderson, you basically ruled the place with Hargrove. Its just wild you're sitting here," He rambled nervously.

"So what y'all are too cool for me? By all means I get Im not cool enough since Billy's gone. I get it. I'll go somewhere," She moved back, ready to leave the room. Eddie chuckled at the exchange happening before him, as his friend is looking at him helplessly.

"Oh no sweetheart, you're welcome here. Always," Eddie calmed the situation, smirking at the new addition to the table.

"Uh, Samantha? What the hell are you doing here? You can't sit here!" Dustin exclaimed to his older sister as he stood behind her with Mike and Lucas.

"Well Dustin. You're game master here, actually invited me here," She spat, smiling sarcastically to him.

"It's dungeon master," Eddie corrected her.

"Yeah, whatever. Same thing," She rolled her eyes to the dark haired boy.

"I happen to think your sister is pretty cool Henderson," Eddie smirked at the young boy.

"She's not even in Hellfire!" Mike argued, pulling at the matching shirts they all wore.

"Well Samantha, do you want to join the dark side," The dungeon master drug out the girls full name mockingly.

"Oh my god. I can't believe you're asking me! Do I get one of those really cool matching shirts, that you nerds wear?" Looking around as she got sarcastic with the clan of boys.

"Yeah you do!" Her brother smiled at her, excited his sister joining their D&D group.

"Dude!" Lucas smacked Dustin's arm catching on the girls sarcasm.

"You're being sarcastic, aren't you?" The blonde girl gave him a blank stare before cracking a smile, "Dammit!" 

"Damn, gets you every time," She giggled before pushing away from the group of boys. Leaving the boys where they sat, Sam walked outside to the blue muscle car. The car shining bright in its glory. Restoring was a semi lengthy process to finish in a few months, but she was proud to make it happen.

Dropping off her bag and Billy's jacket in the car, grabbing the pack of Marlboros that waited in center console. Smoking was never part of the plan for Sam, but she picked up the habit months into hanging around the Hargrove boy. Speed walking through the field, slipping into the woods towards the bench. The girl patted around her pockets for a lighter, coming up empty handed. A heavy sigh left her lips as she laid back across the table. Steve had caught her smoking heavily following immediately after Billy's death, the event constantly replaying in her mind like a record. It was a nightmare that never went away, she always relived that night of terror.

"Need a light," A voice sounded from behind her, causing her to pull away from the memory. She sat up quickly, letting out a slow heavy breath that she held as she recognized the boy.

"What, you following me now?" She got defensive.

"As if sweetheart, I didn't figure you would have been out here. Nobody really ever comes out here," He sat down pulling a smoke from her pack. The dark eyed boy lit it in between his lips, taking a slow drag.

"I don't usually sit out here. Things just get too loud, I guess," Looking down at the boy as he took another drag before placing the smoke between her own lips. Placing her fingers around the white stick, she inhaled smoothly, exhaling the toxic smoke in the air.

The two sat there, sharing the cigarette quietly before Eddie spoke, "So my band plays tonight at the local bar. We get a super huge crowd of like 5.. drunks. If you don't have anything going on tonight, you should like totally watch us play." Sam watched as his cheeks began to tint red.

"I mean I might come by. Thats if its not super crowded or something," She smiled before handing him the remainder of the cigarette.

"Oh yeah, I'll make sure to hold you a spot right in front," He smirked, stubbing the cigarette against the wooden table.

"Sounds perfect," Samantha hopped off the table before trekking back to her car with the taller boy in tow.

"Hey! We start at 8 tonight!" Eddie shouted as he veered off to his own van.

"I'll be there!" She grinned at the weird boy.

"Cool!" He walked backwards faltering over his own steps.

"Cool," She nodded before reaching her car. She wasn't sure why she was bothering to keep in contact with the odd boy. It felt nearly normal to her. She wasn't constantly trying to save the world against unknown forces that her and her friends knew about. He seemed as normal as normal could get, and that was what she needed. Normal.



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