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The young girl quietly snuck back into her home, seeming undetected by her own brother and mother. Shrugging her jacket off as she entered in her dark room. She switched on the light before walking to the large closet to hang up her jacket.

"How'd it go?" Dustin asked as Sam jumped, dropping the items on the floor. Turning around she glared at the young boy and their male best friend, Steve, sitting on her bed. Steve was laid back by the pillows with a magazine in his hands, glancing over at the girl, waiting for her answer.

"What the hell are you freaks doing?!" She screeched at the pair, placing her hand over her racing heart. "Well, sherlock, we've been waiting forever for you to get back to hear how your date went." Steve gave her a pointed look as Sam bent down to pick up the items.

"Jesus Christ you two. It wasn't a date! God you guys are now obsessed," Sam put away the jacket before pinching the bridge of her nose, walking over to the boys. Laying back against the bed, using Steve's stomach as a pillow. The boy subconsciously played with her hair as it was a normal thing for them. "How'd Steve get in anyway?" The girl asked, looking to her brother.

"Sam, it's Steve. We don't sneak in him anymore, mom loves him," The boy gave her an annoyed look before walking towards her tv to play a movie. "Its also late, Dusty-bun." She snarked as he sat back down, laying next to her. "Im one of the favorites Sammy," Steve grinned at her.

"Im surprised you don't have a date Harrington," She poked at him, knowing the boy was on a kick of finding the 'right' girl. Or something like that. "Nah, turns out Lindsay wasn't my type." The boy appeared to grimace at the thought. "That bad huh?" Sam made a face, as her younger brother shushed the pair, over the talk of Steve's love life. The two completely ignored him. "Did you have fun though? You gonna end up hanging out with whoever they are again?" Steve twirled a lock of her hair around his finger. "Yeah, actually. I think I will. Something just seemed different this time." The blonde girl beamed at the memory, Steve watched her as she spoke.

"Different?" Dustin sharply turned to look at his sister. "Wait, are you saying this guy, is different than Hargrove?" Steve studied her reaction, the boys knew whoever this was, was beginning to make an impact on her. The two were fully prepared to come in and protect her at any time. "I mean, yeah, maybe." Sighing loudly as she covered her face.

"Sammy, Hargrove was a man whore, who broke your heart several times. How you went back to him everytime, that blew my damn mind." He groaned remembering as he'd help pick up the pieces. "Okay, lets get facts straight here. We dated like one time, one damn time! Didn't work obviously, he apologized for that, mind you. Billy and I agreed we were better off being friends." She spouted off. "My point being, he hurt you. And who was there with movies, ice cream and chocolate? Me and Dustin," He pointed to her little brother.

"Okay Steve, we get it. You are still pissed about Billy dating her. Anyway, Sam how is this guy any different," Dustin rolled his eyes, cutting Steve off from his continous ranting about the late boy's actions. "It for once doesn't seem like he just wants to get laid. Like there is something there man. Tonight I got that damn butterfly in my stomach feeling. I never ever had that happen." She stared at her brother like he could read her mind. "Oh shit." Dustin looked at Steve, who whined.

"What," Sam deadpanned as she took in the boy's annoyingly shocked face. "You're falling for this guy." Steve gaped.

"No way." She finalized the conversation, truly thinking on the matter as she focused on the movie. Sure, she had several boyfriends or flings. Whatever they were, but she never felt tied to them in any matter. She never had the feeling like they were the right one. Billy was probably the one guy she was the closest to. Nothing ever came of that relationship, they dated, and stayed friends. That was it. She didn't care to date or even pursue after a guy since the Fourth of July.


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Sorry for the short chapter! Just wanted a filler, trying to build more character development.

Sorry for the short chapter! Just wanted a filler, trying to build more character development

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Mr. Loverman | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now