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"Ooh, you know II found the simple life ain't so simple"

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"Ooh, you know I
I found the simple life ain't so simple"

The next week had arrived, Eddie had let Sam choose the historical figure for their project. To which she chose Wyatt Earp, Eddie learning that the western era had been her favorite. The girl could research about western times for hours. Eddie couldn't help but smile at her as she rambled on and on about the lawman from the wild west. The pair agreed to meet at her house on Friday night, and damn was she nervous.

Samantha heard Eddie's van pull up to the front of her home, sitting on the road. The boy anxiously walked to the door, rapping on it. The girl's mother answered the door before Sam had gotten the chance to. Watching as her mother took in the boy's appearance, she blushed from embarrassment.

"Hi, uh, Mrs. Henderson. Im here for Sam," Eddie cleared his throat, shifting nervously at the front door. "Mom, this is Eddie. We have a project for school," Sam spoke up behind her mother, the boy looking relieved that she popped in. "Oh! Well it's nice to meet you Eddie," The woman greeted as she stepped aside, observing as the boy walked into the home.

"Come on, let's get to my room before Dustin spots you," Sam led the boy up to her room, swiftly avoiding her brother at all cost. Eddie took in her room, completely anticipating the room to be pink and bright colors, maybe some flowers too. It was seemingly simple, besides a few band posters which he knew and pictures of her and her friends. "Sorry about my mom, she's not really use to anyone over. Well besides Dustin's friends, Steve, and Robin. Do you want anything to drink?" The girl sheepishly spoke, ringing her hands together. "Whatevers fine," He shrugged, glancing as she left the room. Looking at the pictures around her vanity mirror, spotting all the ones with her geek brother and his friends, to Harrington and Buckley, to even Hargrove.

"Hey so I grabbed you a coke, hope thats okay. I also snagged some snacks, totally get thats lame and everything," She chattered away before noticing he was looking at all her photos. "You have a shit ton of pictures Blondie," The boy smirked as she raised an eyebrow towards the new nickname that was given to her. "Uh, yeah I guess I do. Just to remember back or need something to smile about," He nodded, looking like he wanted something else to say.

"Speak Freak," She taunted him. "Fine, you and Hargrove, whatever happened to that?" He asked timidly. "Billy and I weren't the star couple. Mostly his fault for that. We were together as a couple or whatever, for a few months. He was supposed to pick me up for a date one night, hours late looking like a damn mess. Later that night, we were cruising around in his car, I found some girl's bra in the back of the car. Can't say I was surprised to say the least. Made him pull over, I got out and walked miles back to Steve's house," She dryly chuckled at the stupid memory, remembering how much it had hurt her.

"How could that asshole cheat on you? I mean, you are basically perfect!" Eddie exclaimed before blushing at what came out of his mouth. Sam smiled before continuing her story. "I was woken up at five in the morning to Billy banging repeatedly on Steve's door. I don't think I have ever seen Steve as pissed as he was that morning. He absolutely refused to let Billy see me. Days later, Billy continued to beg for my forgiveness, to which I gave him another chance. I think it was a few weeks after that, he actually stood me up."

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