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A few hours later into the morning, Samantha finally decided it was time to start her day

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A few hours later into the morning, Samantha finally decided it was time to start her day. Shielding her eyes from the bright light that shown in, Dustin sat next to her with a comic book and walkie in his lap. Dustin grinned down at her, he was ready to bombard her with questions. The girl groaned, rolling over onto her other side.

"You gonna tell me now? Because I highly doubt Eddie left that here last night," He closed his hands together on top of the comic. "Eddie always wears that jacket." She let out a large sigh before rolling back over to look at the young boy. "Whatever you are thinking, there's nothing there," She tiredly spoke. "Sam, a guy doesn't just give his jacket to anyone. Especially one like Eddie." Dustin face palmed at the girl's cluelessness. "Since when did you get so smart with relationship crap?" She huffed, scooting herself up against the headboard.

"Come on Sam, it's like common knowledge stuff. What happened last night?" Dustin looked to his sister. "Eddie came by super early this morning, wanted food. We went to Cherry's outside of Hawkins. Nothing to crazy Dustin," She shrugged. "That was you sneaking out this morning?! I knew it! I heard you get up," He exclaimed as his eyes widened, she shushed him. "Keep it down you ditz," She put her hand over his mouth to keep him from being too loud.

"Do you like him?" Dustin got serious for a moment, focusing on the elephant in the room. Honestly, Samantha didn't know. She wanted to believe she did, but she had no idea if he felt the same. The last thing Sam wanted was this to be another guy that only wanted sex. "Sam?" Dustin furrowed his eyebrows, her silence worrying him. "I don't want this to be some guy trying to get into my pants Dustin," She sighed, laying her head against the headboard. "Eddie isn't like that," Dustin argued.

"How are you so sure?" She asked softly. She genuinely liked hanging around and talking to Eddie. Thinking Eddie could be a regular tool bag would be another kick to the gut. "I know Eddie. Trust me, he isn't like that at all. If he does hurt you, I'll kick his ass myself," The boy placed his hand on hers. "Yeah right," She scoffed, her lips tilting up slightly. "Im serious. You are my sister, I will do anything for you," Dustin wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "We are a god damn chaotic duo," She mumbled, leaning into her brother. "Hell yeah we are," The boy chuckled.

Later on the day, the younger gang all showed up to the Henderson's home. The boys all hung in Dustin's room, leaving Max in Sam's. The redhead browsing through the older girls wardrobe, pulling some articles to her body as she looked in the mirror. "Why are we all going to the carnival?" Max made a disgusted face as she put the clothing back. "Because you were invited to do something fun," Sam stood behind Max, placing her hands on the younger girls shoulders. "And who exactly is taking us there?" Max questioned, staring back at the blonde friend. "Eddie Munson," Sam shrugged, handing Max a shirt to try on. Sam slid on the blue jean shorts, a larger dark shirt that tucked in behind her waist band, and her hightop sneakers. "Eddie, the Freak, Munson? That Eddie?" Max raised an eyebrow towards her. "Yes Maxine," She drew out the younger girl's name, pulling her arms through Eddie's jacket. Maxine didn't have to ask, neither did Sam. The girls looked at each other knowingly. Max knew her older friend liked this boy, she remembered seeing her like this around Billy for the first few months. Shy, giddy, the blush that was always there.

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