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"Smells like teen spirit"

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"Smells like teen spirit"

Samantha sat anxiously waiting for her brother to get out of class. She wanted to head home to get ready before seeing Eddie and his band, Corroded Coffin play. The smiley boy stepped out of the building with both his friends, Lucas and Mike.

"Jesus, finally! Will you guys hurry up!" She groaned impatiently, looking at her invisible watch. This only caused the boys to briefly look to each other and walk slowly. Samantha glared harshly at the trio.

"Ha ha, aren't you funny," She opened her door, leaning against it.

"Is she on her period or something?" Lucas quietly asked Dustin.

"Dude. Gross," Dustin grimaced.

"I heard that!" Sam spat as she sat behind the wheel, the trio slipping into the car.

"What's the rush? You are never in a hurry to leave," The younger Henderson boy turned in his seat, as the two intently listened.

"I just have something going on tonight," She avoided giving a true answer to the boy, driving off the school property.

"Since when do you ever have plans?" Mike looked over at the blond oddly.

"Exactly! Thank you!" Dustin agreed.

"I always have plans," She argued.

"No you don't!" The trio mused together.

"You like never do anything," Dustin gave her a look.

"Okay okay! Damn, y'all don't need to be rude about it... Sheesh, tough crowd," She pouted as she looked straight ahead. Things went quiet for several minutes before she addressed the three pairs on eyes, staring at her. "Oh my god, what?!"

"So, you gonna tell us or what?" Mike pushed for the answer.

"Why do I have tell you guys? All about my business now?" A loud scoff came from the girl, annoyed she was being interrogated by the young teens.

"Because it kinda is," Lucas shrugged.

"SINCE WHEN?!" She shrieked loudly in the car, coming to a stop at a red light.

"Since... since.. since we saved the world together! More than once!" Dustin pondered before coming up with his answer.

"Yeah, okay. I have plans and Im not telling you, sooo get over yourselves twerps," She ended the conversation, over feeling like they were all her mother. She pulled into the Henderson driveway, she got out briefly peeking in to the boys. "Give me five minutes to change and I will take you to see Steve and the arcade or whatever. But! You are finding your own ride home. Got it?" The three nodded before Dustin questioned where she would be.

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