Secret Dates

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Dear Diary,

It's been a year since the lunch date with Louis. We couldn't wait very long after that for another one. For at least three months, neither of our managements new about our secret dates. We'd go out for little picnics, dinners at our houses, long drives, and walks around our private neighborhoods. We were good at keeping low and not letting on to anyone that we're dating.

Eventually though, both our management teams found out. They called each of us to tell us that they wanted to talk with us that next afternoon. I started to have a panic attack when I thought of the possibility of them splitting us apart again. Louis held me in his arms and whispered to me over and over and over again that everyhing was going to be okay...just like I've always wanted him to. He rubbed my back and said, "I'm not letting you go this time. I'll fight for us Haz. No matter what, we will be together."

I believed him. I knew he wasn't going to let us be ripped apart for a second time.

That next afternoon, I was on the verge of tears as the two of us waited for them to call us into their office. When they did, Louis stood tall for me. He boldly took my hand in his and led us into the room to sit on the couch opposite of the other two guys.

Chris and Matt were their names. They started with asking us how long we had been secretly dating. Then they asked a few more questions concerning our feelings toward one another. Louis and I stayed strong and told them that we loved each other and refused to be kept apart. If we were, we would fight our way back to each other anyway. Chris and Matt thought it through. They even made a point of walking out of the room to talk in private. Louis squeezed my hand and kissed me lightly on the cheek when they left.

"It'll be alright, Sun. We'll be alright," he reassured me.

The two men came back into the room and sat down with solemn looks on their faces. Chris looked at us and spoke, "We decided not to split you guys up. We don't want to be how your other management in the band was like."

Matt joined in, "But we also want you to know that we aren't going to help you in whatever you're planning to do. Chris and I don't agree or disagree with the idea of you two publically dating."

Then Chris spoke again, "At least for now, we ask that you continue to be together in secret. If you stay together for four more years, we may be open to letting the two of you come out."

Louis and I stared at each other.

"You'd let us come out?" I blurted out.

Matt nodded ever so slightly, "We'd be open to the idea, but it doesn't mean it will happen."

Louis questioned him skeptically, "Why four years?"

"Just the number we decided on. 2024 will be the year that we'll talk about the possibility of you two coming out publically. "

Lou squeezed my hand again, "But you're allowing us to be together in secret?"

The two men nod.

"Like we said," Matt stated, "we don't agree or disagree with this, but we hate treating people the same way your old management did."

Lou and I glanced at each other and nodded in agreement. "Okay, we'll do it."

We left the office with hope.


I haven't had that in a long time. It's about damn time that I have some in my life.

Hand in hand, Louis and I left the building and drove to my place. We spent the night cuddling and watching movies. I went to sleep in his arms with a small smile on my face.

Four years...we can do this. We have each other to make it through. Just the two of us.

All the love,


(A/N) I'm so excited for them to come out together!!! I know it's going to be soon!





Dear Diary (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now