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Dear Diary,

Chris and Matt gave Louis and I another condition before the four year deal ends. I need to date a woman for a PR stunt. Don't ask me why they said I have to because I don't know why myself.

Her name is Olivia Wilde. We've met once before. She's pretty and nice, but she's no Louis. I don't think we agree on some things and it doesn't really sit right with me, but I only have to be seen with her in public for a year and a half.

I tell Louis not to worry. He says he doesn't, but I know he thinks about it at night. I could never love her. Besides, Lou and I are still going on our secret rendezvous and in a few months, he's going on tour with me.

Before we know it, we'll be able to seen together by the world. I can't wait until we can kiss in public. It's been my dream for years, and soon it'll be a reality.

All the love,

(A/N) Olivia...I don't really want to talk about her. Harry doesn't love her and it's obviously a PR stunt.




Thanks for reading! I hope you're enjoying it!


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