Kei Shimizu Profile

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Kei Shimizu

Kei Shimizu

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Age: 10

Hair color: white

Eye color: light blue

Gender: male

Sexuality: bisexual

Height: 4'10

Personality: kind, cute(that can attract anyone), shy, tends to put others first before himself, dense like VERY dense especially to love

Likes: milktea, fluffy things, his friends, pokemon, singing

Dislikes: mean people, pokemon hunters, team rocket, people who hurt his friends, family and pokemon

"I want to become a coordinator that brings smile to everyone and pokemon, to let them know that they are not alone and to drive away their sadness and negative emotions"

Normal Attire:

Normal Attire:

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What Kei has obtain over the time he was traveling:

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What Kei has obtain over the time he was traveling:

What Kei has obtain over the time he was traveling:

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Performance Attire:

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Performance Attire:

Performance Attire:

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