Kei's Special Pokemon

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(Kei has a pokeball necklace that contains the pokeballs of the special pokemons)



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Plasma Fist

Close Combat


Electro Ball

They first met when Kei saved Zeraora from pokemon hunter Hunter J. She was planning to sell Zeraora to other pokemon hunters like Team Rocket, Team Galactic, Team Aqua and Team Magma. While Kei was travelling, he saw Hunter J hurting a Zeraora in a cage. He listened and watched in the shadows as to what Hunter J would do to Zeraora and when he found out, he did not waste any time and contacted officer Jenny and made a plan to save Zeraora. After successfully saving Zeraora and officer Jenny arriving at the scene, he then rushed Zeraora to a Pokemon Center for him to heal. But unfortunately, Hunter J got away. Then Zeraora decided to travel with Kei, protecting him from any harm and of course doesn't like anyone other than Kei and his pokemon.

Twin Shaymins ( Sky and Land Forms )

Twin Shaymins ( Sky and Land Forms )

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(Sky Form) Moves:

Air Slash

Leaf Storm

Quick Attack


(Land Form) Moves:

Energy Ball

Seed Flare

Magical Leaf


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