A Hole Lotta Trouble!

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(I'm so sorry for not updating T-T T-T. School has started here in the Philippines so I can't write as frequently as I hoped cus we're already having face-to-face classes, anyways here's the chapter!!)

(Remember that romance is not the main theme here because this story is just all about the people being simps around Kei)

(P.S. Kei brought his 'Aurora' Team with him.)

Third Person's POV

~Entrance of Granite Cave~

"This is it! The Granite Cave!" exclaimed the small glasses boy named Max.

"It's huge. Look at that opening" said the Kanto trainer, Ash.

"And somewhere inside that cave is Steven, huh" Max's older sister, May said, "he must be busy looking for all those rocks"

"Let's go inside and find him. Mr. Stone said that he's someone that is good to get to know" said Brock.

Ash added, "And he said that Steven is an awesome pokemon trainer!"

"Let's go check it out then"

Then suddenly...

"Oya? Didn't think I'd run into you here Ash" said a mysterious voice.

They turned around to look for the source of the voice.

They see someone with light blue hair and light blue eyes, smiling at them.

"KEI!" exclaimed gleefully Ash. Pikachu ran towards Kei and jumped to his arms. Ash then soon followed after.

"And I see that Pikachu is in good health too" Kei said, nuzzling his cheeks against Pikachu.

"Huh? who's that?" asked Max. May was confused too.

Then Brock realized something, "ah!? You're the Top Coordinator, Kei Shimizu, right?!" he pointed at the light blue haired male.

Kei turned towards Brock and smiled, "Yep! That's me!"

"Kei Shimizu?" asked May.

"Top Coordinator?!" exclaimed Max.

Brock's eyes then turned stars, "woah! you're cuter in person!"

Kei just giggled and asked, "So, what're you guys doing here?" while still holding Pikachu he turned to them.

Ash then started explaining that he lost his Gym Battle at the Dewford Gym against the Gym Leader Brawly, he came here in the Granite Cave to find the person named Steven. He explained to Kei that Mr. Stone, the President of Devon Corp gave them the advice to seek this person out.

Steven would help them, especially Ash, to become stronger and to find the place where training would be convenient for him to use. So here they are.

"Hmm, I see... Brawly, huh? He is a tough trainer" said Kei.

"You know him?!" asked Max.

Kei turned to the small boy and smiled, "Yep! I actually battled with him once and he was a very tough opponent"

"Wow" replied Max, "but I thought you're a coordinator? Coordinators that shows their talent with pokemon, do performances and stuff...?" he asked.

Kei just chuckled, "That may be true but coordinators must also be strong trainers who battles, pokemon contests doesn't only involved about pokemon performances. It also involves pokemon battles to determine the final winner" Kei informed him.

"Ohhh" replied Max.

"Oh yeah! I haven't introduced them to you yet; Kei meet my traveling buddies Max and May! They're siblings and from Rustboro City!" introduced Ash.

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