Now That's Flower Power! Pt. 2

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Flashback ~Few hours~

Kei's POV

After I finished settling in my room, me and Sylveon went out to search for Ash and his friends.

As we were about to leave the resort, somebody touched my shoulder, signaling me to stop. I stop and turned to see who stopped me.

It was the head judge of the Pokemon Contests, Raoul Contesta!

"Hello, Kei! You're already here even though the contest starts in 2 week's time" he greeted me, "How are you?"

He then led me to a private booth and we ordered drinks.

He ordered tea while I ordered Iced Coffee.

(who doesn't like coffee? especially the one's at Starbucks)

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(who doesn't like coffee? especially the one's at Starbucks)

"I've been doing good, thanks for asking!" I replied to him.

Then he turned towards Sylveon who was sitting beside me, "And I see your Eevee evolved into a beautiful Fairy-type eeveelution, a Sylveon! Wow! Seeing it up close feels so magical!" he said excitedly with stars in his eyes.

After we exchanged greetings, we started talking about different topics.

Then the discussion was led to the most promising Pokemon Coordinators that has been gaining a lot of attention.

"Oohh! I gotta say, Kei! There has been a lot of rising coordinators this year!" he exclaimed with sparkly eyes.

After he said that, this really got my attention. I got intrigued. I then continued to listen.

"Like any other years, pokemon contests has been won by different, random coordinators and only a few could make it to the Grand Festival because most of them only wants to win and collect Contest Ribbon for show.

After they have obtained enough Ribbons to enter the Grand Festival, they immediately back out stating that they don't want to compete" he explained, then I listened attentively to what he says next.

"But, after you were crowned Top Coordinator by not only in Kanto but also in other regions, made the coordinators gain a sense of determination and want to continue performing in hopes to bring you down and dethrone you.

But even after they won many, many pokemon contests and compete in the Grand Festival, they couldn't even touch you or be near you in any other battles, be it by performances and pokemon battles" he said, smiling at me.

I returned the smile.

"I'm happy that I could influence them to continue performing while also having the goal of beating me" I said, smiling, happy to give them a sense of determination to bring me down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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