Author's Note

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Hi! this is Piinky05!

I wrote this just to entertain and remove my boredness so don't expect too much and don't expect that I upload chapters with a schedule because I don't and I only do this just so I would have something to do, I have alot on my mind right now and this is a way to express in a way.

The main plotline will mostly (i think) follow some of the pokemon series and would include that Kei is already a Top Coordinator but I will have some chapters on how they met and how he became a Top Coordinator while the main plaotline will follow the events of Pokemon Jouneys because the series includes all the regions and would let the main characters meet their old friends.

So yeah I don't write this just to gain fame but to let my emotions and the thoughts in my head run free. 

Ok? Good!

Let's start!

Kei's Pokemon AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now