Prologue 1: Eevee & Kirlia

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Kei's POV

I was walking in the forest to clear my head because when me, Ash and Gary were talking about what our dreams will be, Ash answered that he wants to become a Pokemon Master, Gary wants become like his Grandfather, Professor Oak, a researcher that studies more about pokemon while I-... I don't know what I want to be when I become a pokemon trainer.

So here I am, walking in the forest, trying to sort my thoughts.

But then I heard a cry, a cry that sounded that it was hurt. Then I rushed even more deeper into the woods and looked for the source of the sound.

When I saw a cave, the sound came from there, so I went inside to check it out. When I turned the last corner of the rock, what I saw shocked me.

It's an Eevee and it's badly hurt.

I rushed over it and when I was about to pick her up and bring her to Professor Oak so that she could be healed, Eevee bit me and growled at me. Eevee tried to stand up but she failed because she was too injured to move and Eevee fell on the floor again.

"It's ok, I won't hurt you" I said slowly and calmly as to not scare her even more than she already is. "I only want to help you, please? I promise nothing will ever happen to you again" after I said that, she calmed down and fell unconscious.

I approached her and picked her up and rushed over to Professor Oak.

When I got there, I was panicking. Professor Oak told me to calm down and I handed her over to him so that he could heal her. Gary comforted me and stayed with me.

After a few minutes, Professor came back and said to me, "She's going to be fine, Kei. She's in good hands" he assured me and that's the time I calmed down.

After we waited that felt like hours, the Professor's Assistant came back with a healed and healthy Eevee.

After we waited that felt like hours, the Professor's Assistant came back with a healed and healthy Eevee

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Eevee jumped up and down and rushed towards me, jumping in my arms.

"Eevee! You're alright now! How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Epie!Epie!" Eevee replied to me, saying that she's fine. (that's how eevees sound like, right?)

Then we played a bit inside the lab but when it was getting dark, I was about to say goodbye to Professor Oak, Gary and Eevee, I was stopped by Eevee.

Eevee was trying to say something to me but I can't understand. Professor translated it for me, "Looks like she wanted to go with you" he informed me. I was shocked, she wants to come with me?,

Eevee agreed by jumping up and down. "Really Eevee? You want to come with me? This is so cool!" I said excitedly. "Epie!" said Eevee.

Professor went to get something and came back holding an empty pokeball and gave it to me, "This a pokeball. You can use it to catch Eevee and to make her your new friend, Kei! Here, take it" he said.

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