Now That's Flower Power!

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(I still haven't finish the pt 2 of "A hole lotta trouble, so I'll skip it and publish this chapter!

Drew will be debuting here so hehe)

Kei's POV

I got a call from one of the Pokemon Contest judges, Raoul Contesta, asking if I could be one of the judges in a Pokemon Contest held at Slateport City. He said that my presence will be kept hidden until the contest starts or when I arrive because when I get off the boat, people will surely recognize me and I could take my time traveling from where I am to Slateport City.

I asked him when will the contest be held and he answered me that it will be held in 3 days and 2 weeks time, so yeah, here I am traveling from where I was to Slateport City.

But not before calling and asking Ash and Brock where they were because I remembered Ash mentioned his traveling friend, May, entering her first Pokemon Contest in the next town or city they come across.

They said that she will be having her debut contest on Slateport City. So I called him before I left that I will be heading there too and I asked them both (Ash and Brock) to keep it a secret until I have arrived there.

This is going to be exciting!! More and more beginner coordinators entering and showcasing their bonds with their pokemon and form them into performances that will let others see who they are and their strong connections with their partners I thought, I know that May is only starting out but I could feel that she will be a coordinator that would shine along with others.

I noticed that we docked in the port of Slateport City. I got the Ash's message to meet up in the beach in front of the Pokemon Center.

Sylveon is by my side, wrapping her ribbons in my arm as we walked out of the boat together.

When we were on solid ground, people looked our way, even though I was wearing my traveling attire with a hat and sunglasses.

When we were on solid ground, people looked our way, even though I was wearing my traveling attire with a hat and sunglasses

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They started whispering as me and Sylveon walked passed them to the Pokemon Center

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They started whispering as me and Sylveon walked passed them to the Pokemon Center. Then someone shouted "Hey! Isn't that Kei Shimizu?! The Prince of Galaxy?! The Top Coordinator that has one every Grand Festival?!". Then all eyes were on me now.

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