seven (7)

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The twins stopped for a short while, mutually agreeing to go back to X's base for an hour or two (or three or four). Normally, they'd sit together, talk, laugh and code; but at that moment all Ex wanted to do was sleep. He was overly tired.

He had been beginning to walk across the hallway, before being caught by Xisuma, who grabbed his arm gently, "it isn't... the same as last time, right?"

"No, i promise you it isn't" Ex reassured his brother as he pulled him into a hug, "I'm getting moe rest now though, and i suggest you should do the same."

"Alright, tell me if you need anything," They broke away from the hug, "you too"


Grian stood awkwardly in the middle of his megabase, he had a lot of work to do if he wanted it perfect.

Admittedly, Grian had already planned out where most things would go; there was just a few more areas that needed doing. It had become a part of his nightly routine recently.

He placed the first block while holding his first page of a plan in his other. The time on his watch read 10;47 pm, and the sky had been dark for a short while now so all that illuminated the surrounding area was the soft glow emitted from the placed torches that stood upright on the untouched stone. He had forgotten to put his communicator on yet again, oh well - he'd put it on when he got back home. It wasn't important.

He spent maybe 3-4 hours building before he heard fireworks land outside of his starter base. Out of instinct, he hid behind a wall which he had placed earlier, peeking out as it see who it was. To his surprise, it was Ex, on his own; promptly walking towards the front door of the starter base. He knocked a couple of times, well until Grian decided to reveal himself, before seeing a waving Grian and walking over.

"Hey!" Ex smiled as he came into proximity.

"Oh hello, Ex, what are you up to?"

"Not much, came over for a chat, y'know, one where I don't sleep the whole time" They both chuckled at Ex's comment, "What about you?" He added.

Grian shrugged, "late night building, though it is the interior rather than the exterior tonight."

"Tonight?? Grian when did you last sleep?"

"Earlier. Had a healing potion while you slept, how come you're still out?"

"Couldn't sleep, you?"

"Same; do you want to come inside?" Grian asked, gesturing at his starter base.

"Sure, but i may not stay for a while"

"That's fine" -Grian replied while unlocking the door, opening it for the two to enter ('ladies first'-Grian) into Grian's humble abode.

"Tea?" The hermit in the red sweater offered.

"Oh- err no thanks,"

Grian led himself and Ex to sit on the couch in his living room.

"So, how've you been?" Grian asked Ex, probably repeating a question he'd already asked previously.

"Ive been alright, honestly feel a bit down about the whole code-telling-us-the-thing-rather-than-the-person situation, but oh well; i guess they'll come to us eventually. Also don't tell X about me being down he has enough to worry about. What about you? How have you been Gri?"

leave me be: Grian / HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now