twenty-one (21)

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Check tws!!
Even if its a lie (Demo) - Matt Maltese

Morning had arisen upon the lands of Hermitcraft, maybe 9 or 10am? By looking at his communicator, Ex could see that it was exactly 9:46am. He had a few things to do, then he would go check on Grian.

Such as eat breakfast, do skincare, buy some rockets from Tango's shop (because he was dangerously low) and then he could go. Gotta stick to that morning routine of looking drop-dead-gorgeous, you know how it is.

Same old. Same old.
He had some buttered toast [mmm] and then opened the bathroom cupboard to get his skin products, before carefully applying them to his face.
Then he flew over to the shopping district as his rockets counted down and down... ten...

...four... three...

He landed at two. He desperately needed to get more. He fast-walked over to Tango's shop and bought out as many as his inventory could carry, that was then he got caught up in a conversation with Mumbo, who'd seemed to have a startlingly similar situation to what he was in.


"So what have you been up to recently, Ex?" Mumbo asked as a general conversation starter, to which Ex thought about Grian for a second; before replying, "Not much, just been out and about. What about you?"

"Ive been working on my mega base, red stone 'nd all that, and thinking a lot of thoughts. I wonder whether I should go visit Grumbot soon again, its been... a while and apparently Grian rebuilt him again. He's altered and Grian said he ran out of polished stone so he ended up using copper. I cant wait to see what that looks like!!"

"Oh wow thats so cool!! I missed out on seeing the season 7 and 9 versions of Grumbot, maybe I should see him one day?"

"Absolutely!! The more the merrier!! Now i must be on my way, if it rains again then my whole base will probably explode from the open redstone!!" He admitted before flying away, calling out his goodbye.

"Bye Mumbo!! See you soon!" And Ex followed his actions of flying back to what he was doing, but instead of flying to his own base he flew over to Grian's.

Knocking on the door resulted in no answer. He gently picked up the spare key from under the doormat and pushed it through the keyhole, unlocking the door and walking through the door, calling to Grian that he was there.

What he was expected was a Grian to reply, maybe even shouting back 'One second! I'll be right there!!' before running around the corner and being there almost immediately. But no, instead what he was met with was a deadly silence and a house full of stillness. It seemed the only life that was present there was himself, the visitor. There was no sign of Grian here. He walked around, half-expecting his friend simply to have not heard his arrival, and was just casually sat somewhere engrossed in a book.

But no, the deadly silence continued. It was bone-chilling and way more scary than it should be. He was probably just out. After all, it was... 12:56?? Yeah, Grian was usually out at this time.

He'd try to send him a message that let him know that he had dropped by;
/Message error/ message not sent
Huh? That meant that messages for the other person had either been turned off or the communicator was off/broken. Typical Grian, he'd try again later, because he right now had a meeting that was about to start with his brother and a couple other admins who were coming to this server for a little catch-up. From a server called Empires or something, he didn't really listen so he could have been completely wrong, but oh well.

He continued on with his day.


He didn't know how long he'd been walking for at this point. He'd woken up at sunrise and started walking wince then. A few nights prior, the sunrise was at like 7am or something, due to the approaching winter, and the sun was currently just over atop of him, so it was probably around 12:30 or 1pm.

leave me be: Grian / HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now