Commander's File

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Name: Alexander Cochrane

Height: 5'8"

Health: Physically fit, like a swimmer. No known chronic or prominent debilitating conditions- Permanent scar on his back and one of his legs due to academy hazing incidents.

Age: 26 (As of CR1)

Hair: Black, short.

Eyes: Blue

Uniform: Standard dark blue with rank insignia, Azur Lane insignia, white officer's cap, Oxford shoes which he replaces with black sneakers whenever possible.

Rank: Overall commander of Azur Lane's base facilities and available forces (Almost 3 years in CR1)

Background: Alexander Cochrane is the son of Captain Johnathan Cochrane and his wife, Anna. While his father was a distinguished captain in the Eagle Union, an incident happened that, for all intents and purposes, destroyed the family. When the commander was younger, Johnathan was part of an expeditionary fleet sent to the Arctic to investigate the disappearance of civilian and military ships above the Arctic circle, and Johnathan was the only survivor, having seen something that caused him to flee for his life while the rest of the fleet died to a man. Johnathan's own mind was broken by what he saw up there, and so Anna devoted herself to caring for her debilitated husband. As a result, Johnathan was neglected.

When it became known that Johnathan's fleet was destroyed by the mysterious invaders known as the Sirens, Alexander had lived a somewhat neglected life that he escaped through hard work and achievement, but the fact that his father survived meant that there were no real friends for the son of a coward. While he didn't necessarily want revenge, he wanted to know the truth, so he joined a Union naval academy to become an officer of the fleet, where he didn't fare any better in the social circles, despite excelling at his studies in tactics and leadership.After graduation, he was relatively quickly promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade due to the need to fill in the gaps left by the losses suffered due to battles with the Sirens, but it wasn't long after he achieved that rank that he received orders to assume the post of the commander of Azur Lane. The reasons for his appointment to the post are unknown even by the highest-ranking members of the Union's military leadership, however, he was accepted by the other member states of the Joint Security apparatus that founded Azur Lane in the first place.

After being neglected by humanity for so long, Alexander was overwhelmed by the inherent friendliness of many shipgirls, and so he soon became very attached to the Kansen under his command, effectively considering them another family- And there's nothing he won't do for his new family.

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