Gaiden Entry 42.7: My Marvelous Sister

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The one sure sign that summer was ready to start was that the sun was rising well before people were ready to wake up.

This was certainly the case for Vittorio Veneto, who could've done with at least another hour- it was too early to get up, but also not early enough to try to get any more meaningful sleep. So she just lay there for a while, taking some deep breaths as she was forced to greet a new day against her will.

Once it was an hour that she felt that reasonable people might be getting up, that she left her bed, showered, and dressed for the day, and while she was doing that she encountered the smell of fresh coffee.

She went out into the common room, and right at her place at the table was coffee, cornettos (the pastry, not that other thing) and a fresh rose standing up in a glass. Littorio was busy seeing to her own breakfast, having taken the time to deal with her sister's morning start beforehand. "Ah, good day, my dear sister- how does this morning find you?"

"Ah..." She went right to the coffee. "The sun could stand to wait a while for me to be ready for it."

Littorio smiled. "I think that the sun comes up so early, because if it got up after you, people would ignore the sun in favor of your own radiance. If you wish to find some more shaded spot for a nap, I think I could hold off any callers for a few more hours."

Vittorio began to eat. "I'm afraid I haven't that luxury- I have to represent the empire today, as Enterprise has called a meeting, which I am bound to attend."

Littorio chuckled. "My sister, always in demand for one thing or another. Be glad it's with people who don't make a habit of wasting your time. I think that those others prefer to have such meetings be brief as possible."

Vittorio looked down into her coffee. "I'd prefer to stay home today. Enterprise wants to talk of some matter of import, as usual, but it feels like her, Nagato, and Warspite are far deeper in the commander's confidence, and given the ways of our homeland I can't even state the empire's position. On anything." She took a long drink from her cup.

Littorio went on with her own breakfast. "Ah, I see. Well, keep in mind that the commander specifically chose you to be a part of his trusted circle. And why not? You do present yourself with dignity."

The other battleship closed her eyes. "But I want to give some substance to it. It's difficult to represent our nation's interests when it really can't decide on any. Other than some vague desire for prestige and respect, of course."

Littorio chuckled. "Even if you can't represent theirs, you can at least speak for our interests. After all, I think the commander gives more credence to what we desire than what our nation does, at any rate."

The coffee made her awake, and her mind started moving. "It sounds like you think that, after it's all over but the shouting, that the commander may choose to raise a flag of his own design."

Littorio came over with her own coffee and pastries. "I find it hard to believe the thought hasn't crossed your mind. After all, you are the one with the wits to lead."

She knew Littorio could read her. "It has crossed my mind. The commander has found diplomatic ways to voice that he doesn't entirely trust our national partners to look after our welfare after the Sirens are defeated. However, I think this is something we ought to keep to ourselves, even if we suspect others may have made the same observation."

Littorio smiled. "Of course... Besides, it suits me to let others mind such things while I enjoy this second life we have been blessed with, and indulge in the beauty of this world and my comrades." She giggled. "Now, I'll leave you to the work of being the lovely leader who we follow."

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