Part 10 / Break up

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It's been 2weeks since I saw Nash, I've been constantly getting messages from him none stop. I feel like I shouldn't of kissed him but I feel guilty for not replying to his texts. I dread it to tell Matt but I know I should do, now that the baby is born I really need to tell him.
( sorry I didn't write about the birth I decided to skip a part )
*24 missed messages*
From : Nash
Please answer me, we need to talk.
I'm so sorry just don't leave it like this.

I reached over to my phone and unlocked it and tapped on the message app.
To : Nash
I'm going to have to tell Matt! It's killing me...

From: Nash
What! No he will never be friends with me again.

To: Nash
well I'm sorry but it's the way it is.. We have had a kid for goodness sake!

I get off the sofa and go the baby's room ( haven't decided a name just yet) and check up on her. She's asleep.
"matt?" I say, "yes" he replies.

I walk over to him in the kitchen and tell him to sit down.
"Matt I need to tell you something.. You know when I went to Nashs house we kissed!"
"You what?!" Matt said look heartbroken.
"A little more then a kiss actually, we made out and I'm so so sorry matt it was a mistake,"

I burst into tears and tried to hug matt but he pushed me off. I walked to the bed room and packed everything in a suit case and walked into the baby's room to pick her up...
"No your not taking her!" Matt said.
"Matt please"
" no she stays her now go!" Matt said with tears in his eyes.
I walked out the door with my phone in my hand and my car keys. I only had £600 dollars in my purse and the rest in my bank account that I share with matt.

I put the suitcase in the trunk and climb in the drivers seat. I can't beileve me and matt broke up because of this.. I love him so much. I miss him and our baby so much.

I have no idea what to do or where to go.
To : nash
Me and matt are over.

From: nash
What! I'm so sorry, are you still at home?

To : nash
No and I have no where to go nash.. I'm broken.

From: nash
Drive to mine and live with me

To: nash
I can't do that not after what I've done to you!

From: nash
Listen I love you and I want you here! So please come.

I turn the keys and drive to Nashs apartment.
I turn into the huge car park and park the car.

*nash is calling*
"Hey, I'm here let me in please?"
"Sure babe"
*ends call*

I walk to the elevator and press the button to the floor where nash is.
I see nash standing at the door waiting. I can't help but smile. Even though I shouldn't
I walk inside and set my bags down , and start to cry.

Nash I've lost everything, matt never wants to see me again and he's not letting me see the baby, I cry in his arms and embrace him tightly.

It's been weeks and I've heard nothing from matt at all, I've texted I've rang I've even tried to go back to the house but he won't let me see him or the baby.

I walk out of the room I share with nash into the kitchen where cam and Aaron is they both know what's happend.
"Morning you two" I say walking to the fridge.
"Hey little one" cam says
"What up" Aaron says lastly.

I open the fridge and pull out the left over pizza that we had lastnight, and hop on to the sofa with it and switch the tv on.

All of a sudden my phone went off and it was matt.

From: matt
Just so you know, I never wanna see you again and your will never see me again or Ava.
Sorry to tell you but we've moved to the uk and you'll never hear from us again & delete me number.

I read it with tears in my eyes and cam looks at me " what's wrong babe?" Cam scoots over and embraces me in a deep hug. Cam wipes my tears, " you don't need to cry over matt he doesn't deserve them" I smile and hand my phone to cam to read the message.

He looks up at me and stares into my eyes and kisses my cheek.
I exit the hug and smile and walk into the bed room to lay in the bed.

I love you all and if this is your favorite fan fic , comment ' YASS' so I know 😘

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