Chapter 7/Julias Party (dirty for cam)

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It's Saturday 12th of November , it's been months since Dubai and I miss it a lot it's was amazing apart from the girl that kept trying to get matt! I am now officially in my 2nd trimester in my pregnancy and I have to say I am not too big but half way there , I'm going for my scan next week for the gender revel . Hopefully matt and I can get our own place by the time of the baby's arrival. It's Julia's party tonight finally, even though I'm pregnant I'm still going I might not get the chance again, I'm not drinking but I'll have a good time. I've recently started my own YouTube channel , I use matt camera since I don't have one and sometimes we record together. I make beauty , pregnancy updates and things like that! This weeks video is a beauty video on foundation.

I have 22,839 thousand subscribers!!

9:38am ...

I open my eyes to see a sleepy matt laid next to me.

"Morning beautiful" he said in this morning voice.

Matts morning voice was so cute and dreamy , matt always says mine is adorable but I dought it.

Matt kisses me softly on my lips and rubs my bump he puts his head down to kiss it and says " morning sweetheart" . I loved matt so much he's the best thing I've ever had.

I pull the duvet from my body and sit up carefully . It's getting harder for me to get out of bed and up from seats because of the bump in my way , I'm getting really big fast! Maybe it's a boy? But I'm not craving meat so maybe it's not?

Matt gets up and follows me down stairs holding my body walking in sync down each step.

"Watcha want baba" matt says kissing me.

" waffles pleaseeeeee" I plead.

Matt places these amazingly cooked waffles on my plate in front of me.

"Wow they are amazing" I say surprised.

"OMG remember when I told you I was a expert on pancakes and it landed on the ceiling " I said thinking of that time.

"Yeaa! It was before magcon right?' He said remembering.

My mom was at her boyfriends house she spent the night, so me and matt are here alone , which means I can go to the party.



Text from Julia-

You still coming tonight?Baee , I know your preggo n all.

To Julia-

Yeaa I'm still coming just not drinking yanno.









It's been 7hours and it's time to get ready for the party. I just need to try and fit in my dress I got for it , I bought it before I was preggo tho.

I pulled it out the dresser and slipped it over my head . "shit" I cursed

I didn't fit I was to big. I walked into my moms room to see what she had in her dresser.

Damn mom I thought she has a lot of nice stuff . I saw this maternity dress mom must of kept when's she was pregnant with me. It was nice tho! It was a red body con dress , I slipped it on and it fitted it looked great on me!

" Woaah you look hot" matt said.

'Thanks it's my moms" I said doing my hair.

I curled my hair in to ringlet s that went over my boobs. I applied some make up on .

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