Part 2/Shower of kisses

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its been 3 hours since we skipped school, matt and i were in my room.

'i love you babe' matt says flirtatiously.

'I love you too more then anything' I say smiling

Matt pulls me close to him showering my neck with little kisses making his way up to my lips, his lips gently attach with mine moving in sync perfectly together. I get on top of him without breaking the steamy kiss he wraps his arms around my tiny waist embracing his love for me.

he breaks the kiss up and we lay on the bed cuddling.

'Cant wait for you to come to magcon texas with us' he says holding me.

'I really want to but mom hasnt replied yet' i say checking my phone.

My mom rarely texts back as she is so busy at work. matt is vine famous and is involved in magcon where fans meet them and take photos.

Text from mom:

Reply from mom:

Yes of course sweetie , as long as your safe its fine with me!

To mom:

Thanks mom , i love you!!!!

'she said yes! ' i say smiling to matt

'YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!' he says jumping up pulling me with him.

' cant wait!' he says

he picks me up bridel style , kissing me softly.

'Babe do you wanna stay the night? mom wont mind ' I ask him pleading

'Sure babe it will be fun!' he says happily


'BEAT YOU THERE' Matt says

We both run down the stairs to the kitchen.

'HA BEAT YOU!' i say proudly

'I will win next time' he says frowning jokingly.

Matt gets the ingredients and i get the pan & turn the gas on.

'Im a expert babe watch this' I say joking around

I flip the pancake up in the air hoping to catch it in the pan.

'O-OOPS' i said

'i thought you were the expert' matt said laughing

'I guess im not hahah! now help me get it off the ceiling' i ask.

I run up to the bathroom to get some cleaning product and a scraper.

'here' i hand it to matt.

i hold the ladder for matt as he trys to get it off the ceiling, i wobble the ladder a little playing around.

'Hey' matt scolds.

'Hahah oops my bad' i joke

'All done' he says clapping.

We scrap the pancake idea and grab tubs of cookies and cream icecream.

'MOVIE TIME' i giggle holding the icecream

'What should we watch' he asks

'Chick flick' i say looking trough movies.

I looked though the movies.

'This one!!' i said jumpiing on to the couch.

'Really babe?' He whined

'Yess its my fav' I whined back

i picked - A Lovers Tale-.


Matts P.O.V

Tess looked so beautiful laying there in my arms , light snores escape her mouth as she lay there dreamy.

The movie had got boring for me so i changed it to some football.

Its was about 2:22am and i was getting a little sleepy. I lift tess up gently and carry her to bed , placing her gently on the plump duvet tucking her in quitely , as i get in the otherside but not in the duvet on top.


*Alarm goes off*

'look like she forgot to turn her alarm off on weekends.' i say in my mind.

I get up to find Her mom downstairs making breakfast

'Hello Miss Crawford' I said politely

'Its Anna ' she said kindly

'Oh yes sorry anna' i replied

'Do you want breakfast' she asked

'Yes if its not to much trouble' i said nicely

'of course not matt, did you too have fun last night i noticed you slept round' she said persumingly

'Nothing like that happend anna, we just watched a movie and i put tess to bed thats all, she said you wouldnt mind' i reasured

'im only pulling your leg matt, and get a plate for your eggs' she said

Anna but two perfectly round eggs on my toast .

'Thank you this looks great' i said thankfully

'anytime, when tess wakes up tell her the rest is on the side, im off to work now.' she said leaving

'okay bye ' i said clearing my plate.


Tess P.O.V

'I must of over slept' I say getting up

how did i get up here? i say to my self? maybe matt put me here.

I walk down stairs to see matt down stairs finishing his food.

'Hey babe' i say kissing his cheek as i walk past to get he leftovers.

'Hey beautiful' he Smiled

'Im not beautiful' i frown

Matt gets up and pulls me close ' dont you ever say your not beautiful because you are and i love you' he says kissing me

Our lips interwind in sync making it a steamy kiss, matt gently grabs my butt making me move closer to him.

Im wearing my Vest top with little yoga shorts and matts wearing his t-shirt and pants.

'I love you so much you make me so happy' i say hugging him tighter.

'Your one of a kind ' he says holding my waist.


Sorry guys these chapters arent that long im new to this.

Im going to make some parts a little dirtier than others depents if you guys what that thought?

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