Part 9 / nash

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'Morning babe'
Matt reaches over to the lamp and turns on the light & turns to me. leaving gentle kisses on my neck.

'Baby' I grown
Grasping my hands over his toned body , our lips locking together as a sweet morning kiss occurs.

'I think we should go out for the day?' Matt says.

'Where would we go?' I say.

' out for a romantic meal?'

'Perfect baby' I say kissing his lips.

Matt leaves the room and goes down to the kitchen to make breakfast. I pull my phone away from the charger and unlock it to read the message I receive from Nash .
It wasn't a surprise as Nash normally texts me.

Message from 'Nash' :
Good morning😀

To 'Nash' :
Morning blue eyed monster😎

Nash is my best friend and we are quite close with each other so I like to get texts from him it makes me happy.

My phone vibrates.

"who's that?" Matt asks walking into the room with pancakes.

"It's Nash" I replied, taking the beautifully presented pancakes from matt.
"Thankyou hansome" leaving a kiss on matts lips.

Matt goes out the room and I unlock my phone to text Nash again..

Message from "nash" :
Can i meet you today it's kinda important😁.

To 'Nash' :
Sure , I'll be there soon😛.

I finished off eating the pancakes and they walked over to the dresser and pulled on some fresh clothes , I stretched the t-shirt over my huge bump and then walked over to my mirror and did my hair and makeup.

"Sexy" Matt shouts from down the hall.
I look behind and smile then get on with what I was doing.

Walking down the hall to Matt embracing him in his arms leaving a kiss on his lips before I leave.
"I'll see you soon , be back at 1?"
"Okay baby, see you later" Matt says.

I get in the car , all I can think about is Nash. what is so important he wants to see me? Why right this second does he wanna tell me something? What is it? Questions running though my mind all the way to his and cams apartment.

I pull up and walk to the door and buz the buzzer, "hello?" Cam answered.
"It's meee" I replied.

The door opens and I take the elevator up to the the penthouse on the top floor.

Nash answers the door giving me a hug, he walks to his room and closes the door behind him.

I sit down on his bed and he sits next to me.
"So what was so important?" I ask
"It's so hard for me to tell you this but.. I'm falling in love with you and it kills me to know your with Matt and having his baby." he looks me in the eye with watery eyes.

"N-Nash I don't know what to say"
"You don't have to say anything" Nash leans into me and kisses my lips passionately and romanticly. all I'm thinking is what am I doing I'm with Matt and I'm pregnant! But my heart won't let me stop.
Things got heated quickly and Nash and I were making out in his room.

"Omg Nash, what have I done?" I cry
" I'm so sorry, can't believe I did that" Nash says.

We talk for a long time about what to do and we both decided to see how things go.

I leave the apartment and get in the car home.

I unlock the door to Matt waiting for me, "hey cutie" he says smirking.
I felt so bad I can't believe I kissed Nash let alone make out with him I've betrayed Matt! And I can't believe what I've done.

" I don't feel good, can we go out another Time?" I ask matt.

" sure baby girl anything for you , do you want anything from the kitchen I'll make it specially"

"No I'm good Thankyou I'll just go to bed "

I fell asleep thinking about what I had just done...


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