Part 3/ Magcon

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Hey Guys , i skipped to magcon so thing will get dirty in this part, but not to dirty!


Its been 2 weeks already and its time for magcon.

*Flight RED 889 For boarding*

'This is us babe' Matt says grabbing the suitcases.

'Wheres the boys?' I ask

'They are already in texas were meeting them there' matt says

we both go through security with our suitcases.

'Excuse me maam' The sercurity guy says.

'can i check your bag?' He asked promptly

'Sure' i hand it over

The guard searches it.

'Sorry for the inconvenience' he apologizes

'Not at all' i say pleased

we both board the flight and take our seats, i sit near the window and matt in the middle, we were lucky enough to get the whole row of seats with out a 3rd person next to us.

Text to mom:

Hey, mom i just boarded the flight, i love you see you after magcon! xx

From mom:

I love you sweetie , have fun i miss you! xx

To mom :

I love you to xx






Matts p.o.v

Text to : Pops

Hey Dad! Im in texas now with tess , i love you!

From: pops

Alright Son, Have a good time see you when you get back, I love you to.

Tess is asleep next to me looking beautiful as always , i check my phone , we are half way though the flight to texas, we have 1 hour left.

'Would you like any refreshments?' The airhostes says

'Sure'I reply

'What would you like?' she says winking at me

'Erm just water please' I say a little unhappy

She looks over at Tess who is laying in my arms, then looks over at me.

She continutes to try and flirt with me.

'Well here you go hansome' She flirts

'What?' I say raising my voice

'Please dont flirt with me, Just do you job Okay?!' I say sternly

she gave me a dirty look and walked on.

'Yeah you better walk away' i say in my mind.

I look over to tess looks like shes awake now.

'Hey princess' I say smiling

'Hey Babe' She replys

'Have a good sleep?'i Ask

'The best, did you get water?' She looks at the water

'Yeah, the airhostes tried to flirt with me , but i told her whos boss' I said Proudly

'You are such a div matt' She said laughing

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