Part 4/ Positive or Negative?

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It's been 3 weeks and a half since magcon Texas and life was great, I've been doing great at school and me and matt have grown closer in our relationship, my mom finally met someone special for her and is happy for once and not tied up with work no stop.

Matt stays over a lot now and it's great i get to see a lot more of him, it's Julia's party soon and I'm super hyped for that! I when and purchased a new outfit just for it , I got a tight dress for it as it's that type of party with black heals.

It's 5:40pm and matt is over to stay the night, as it's Friday it's family pizza night and we normally eat around 6:00pm on this particular night.

' I CALL PIZZA TIME' Mom shouts picking up the phone.

Mom calls the pizza place and orders us some pizza.

-the pizza guy comes and give us the pizza. My moms boyfriend is round he is very nice, I'm glad my mom found him she is a lot happier.

Well all grab slices and jump on the couch and turn on the games.

It's been my 4 slice of pizza and I'm starting to feel sick.

' oh god, mom I'm gonna puke' I say running to the bathroom.

' it's okay anna I'll go' matt says following me in.

" do you think it could be..'

' NO! It can't be it's just the pizza okay matt it's just the pizza.' I say sternly while puking.

'What if it is babe we didn't use protection!' Matt said concerned

' I won't be don't over think it's just a dodgy pizza okay! Not please leave it!' I say raising my voice.

I leave he bathroom and enter the living room.

"Mom I'm off to bed I'm not feeling good.' I say giving her a hug.

" okay sweetie see you in the morning , matt are you going up to?" She asked us.

" sure , good night" he said to my mom and her boyfriend.

Matt entered the room as I was changing , I didn't shoo him out he's seen me naked before anyway so there was no point. I turn to look in the mirror not a lot had changed on my figure no mini bump , nothing so it couldn't be.

I go to brush my teeth and get into bed soon followed by matt laying next to be rubbing my back trying to make me feel better.

"Babe I think you should take a pregnancy test." He said looking at me.

"No matt I'm not pregnant" I say

" you don't know that tho" he said looking down.

"Fine I'll take one tomorrow my mom has a spare one." I sigh "now good night" is say Turing off the light.

It's the school holidays so we don't have school for 6weeks. So it's not school tomorrow







I was first to awake, I gently kiss matt in the cheek trying not to wake him up. I walked in to the bathroom and opened the cabinet to find a pregnancy test.

I sat on the toilet with it in front of me, I was scared to take it what if I was pregnant, I'm too young but I don't believe in abortions. I opened the package and looked at it for a good 10 seconds before using it.

Okay I'll look in 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 . "SHIT" I swore dropping it on the floor crying. " no no no" I said panicking.

Matt was awake and came in the bathroom, he saw the test on the floor. And looked at me with his mouth dropped.

He picked it up and hugged me , " it's okay , it's not all bad" he said reassuring me.

I broke out of the hug and looked him in the eyes. "Matt I'm 16 I'm only just past the legal age of having sex. And now I'm pregnant! What am I going to do? " I said falling to the floor.

I was muddled up and confused I didn't know what to do , I felt these warming hands hold my waist pulling me up.

" look I'm not going to leave you okay we are In this together after all I'm the baby's dad." He said kissing me.

Everything was coming together. Everything would be alright , I just needed to tell my mom I was pregnant. I would have matt by my side through out this pregnancy.

I walked down stairs with matt to face my mom , her boyfriend had gone home.

Okay okay.

" mom can I talk to you?' I asked as I took a seat.

"Sure" she said looking concerned

"Well um, I'm pregnant" I said nervously.

Her face froze in shock, I didn't know what to do , she was just looking at me with her disappointing eyes. I couldn't take it I burst into tears and embraced matt.

" w-what?" She mumbled

" I'm pregnant " I repeated.

She looked over at matt and the at me, she didn't say anything she just left the room and went to work.

Later on I got a text.

From mom .

Sorry I left I couldn't hold it in. Talk after work.

I didn't reply I just turned to matt, I wasn't upset that I was pregnant just the fact I had upset my mom.

After work , she came home.

" sweetie I've thought about this! And I think it would be best to get a abortion!" She said gripping her teeth

" WHAT NO! MOM NO! I'm Not getting rid of this baby! Okay we're done!" I shouted

I ran upstairs and packed a bag, matt had gone home so I decided to call him.

-call to matt. hey can u pick me up? I need to get out the house!

-Sure you wanna stay here for a few nights? -- yeah please - okay I'll be there in 5 I love you - I love you to. -call ended.

I walked downstairs to be approached by my mom.

"Where are you going?" Mom asked

"To matts" I said looking away " he's here now so I'm going" I said walking out

Tears started running down my cheeks as I left the house, how could my mom say that to me , I'm not getting rid of this baby NEVER! I got in matts car and he drove to his house ,we were holding hands the whole way.

We got there and went to his room I set my bags down and climbed on the bed followed by matt. I started to cry , matt embraced me I his comforting arms I started to calm down. I turned to matt and kissed his lips. He put is hand on my stomach , I had a tiny bump, I must of popped from last night.

Matt made me feel wanted and special, I loved him so much it hurt. I never want to lose him never. He was the best thing in my life along with the baby.


Unexpected Pregnancy (A Matt Espinosa FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now