Chapter 5/ Living at matts for a while (dirty)

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It's been a week since me and mom have spoken, it's heart breaking to think she wanted me to get a abortion! That's never happening, lately matt has been amazing he has Been hear for every step of the way, I'm only 4 weeks pregnant but you can just see a small miniature bump at the lower part of my stomach. I have t told anybody from school yet not even Julia, matt hasn't told anyone either, he's told his dad and he is being very supportive unlike my mom. He said I was aloud to stay as long as I needed.

It was mid-morning and I was downstairs with matt cuddling on the sofa, I love our warm cuddles, especially now I'm pregnant my moods with change time to time, so I warned matt, but he doesn't mind.

"Matt pass the the remote" I said pointing to it from the other side of the couch.

Matt passes me the remote and I change the channel.

"What do you want to watch"I said looking at him.

"I don't mind " he said nicely.

So I changed the channel to RSPCA rescue.

"Aww matt look at the puppys." I say pointing "Milo was a rescue dog" I say going on.

"Milos cute like a fluff ball." He said rubbing my cheek.

Matt put his hand on my tiny little baby bump .he rubbed it and began to smile. It made me happy to think how much we cares for me and the baby.

" you have a text "matt said passing me the iphone.

"It's my mom" I said groaning.

From mom:

Look, I'm sorry it's breaking my heart , we haven't talked in a week and I miss you please come home. Love mom.

To mom:

You ment what you said and it really hurt me mom. I'll ring you.

-calling mom- Hey darling. - Hi- sweetie I'm so sorry I never meant for it to go this far, I love you please can we talk?- why say it then mom. You really hurt me, and just to let you know I am keeping the baby and it's my decision.- okay hunny, but can we talk in person please?- sure meet me at starbucks. -call ended-

" matt can I borrow your car for a hour or so?" I asked nicely.

"Sure where you going?" He said.

" to Starbucks to talk to my mom" I said getting the keys.

" ooh get me a ice coffee please" he said flickering his eyes.

"Okay!" I giggled.

I walked over to matt and kissed him goodbye. " I'll be back soon okay I love you" I said sweetly.

" I love you to" he said kissing me back.






I pack the car and walk into Starbucks to find my mom sitting over in the corner.

I walked over to her and took the seat opposite.

" hey sweetie I missed you" she said with red eyes.

I could help it I just burst into tears, I was like I had forgotten about what she said , after all she was my mom and I love her. She got out of her chair and tried to comfort me, I herd her cry a little, it was a good thing we were at the back in the corner so no one else could see us crying lightly.

" I'm so sorry darling, I didn't mean it it was out of the blue, I have come to realise that it's your decision and if your happy I'm happy." She said whipping her eyes.

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