Part 11/ i need you

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It was a saturday morning and I have been looking at flights all night, I managed to book one to London and it leaves at 2pm today, it's 10:30 now.

I'm already packed and I wake up everyone individually to say good bye. - saying goodbye to Nash was the hardest because I needed to break things off with him to be able to move forward.
Walking up to the door of nash' room I looked in and there he was sleeping, "Nash?" - sitting on his bed tapping his shoulder.
"Nash wake up" - he opened his eyes and sat up slowly as he stretched.
"Nash I'm leaving, I've got a flight soon I'm going to find Matt."- his blue eyes widened and became glossy. " you can't go, stay with me please" - a tear escaped my eye as I was looking at the desperation in his eyes. "I need to find Matt and Ava, please Nash"- he began to cry, he fell on to me.

"I'm sorry Nash" - I embraced him in my arms.
He held my face in his tender hands and leaned in for a soft kiss.
"I love you"- he said looking into my eyes.
"I love you too, but I have to go" -I left the room and clutched my suitcase.

I had set a note on the counter I had wrote earlier it read..." I'm sorry that I'm leaving you all, I promise it's only temporary but I need to find Matt and Ava. Text me, call me at anytime if you ever need me. I love you all. Tess xx"

The cab was outside waiting, I loaded my bags in to the cab and climbed into the passenger seat. - where to miss?"
"Tides airport please" - looking through the window I see Nash looking out.

The cab drives to the airport.

The 1hour journey to the airport is over.
I hand the $100 dollar bill to the cab driver and get out the car with my suitcase.

Entering the airport I turn to the check in desks - handing over my passport and boarding pass to be checked, I lift up my suitcase and place it on to the belt to be weighed. "Thankyou , have a safe flight" - the lady hands back my passport and boarding pass.

*skips to the plane*

We are just about to board the plane, searching though my bag for my boarding pass "found ya" - as I walk onto the plane the air hostess greets me with a smile , I hand over my pass.

"Seat E28 at the back"
"Thanks"- the plane was pretty full but it wasn't setting off until 2:00pm and it's 1:45pm.
I find my seat and sit down, I'm sat next to a elderly couple they look about 60-65 years old.
"Hello, haha hope you don't mind us sitting next to you dear, we will probably be sleeping so no worries" the lady says to me.
"Oh no I don't mind at all" I say put a smile on.

I still have wifi so I check my Twitter, scrolling down my feed I see Matts name pop up and I get a mini shock. I decide to press on his name. He tweeted 1hour ago.
"The British weather is so nice today"
The tweet had a photo attached to it, it was of Ava and Matt standing on the London Bridge.

I felt a tear running down my face as I saw the photo, "my baby's" I quietly said to my self.
I screenshotted the tweet to keep incase it got deleted. by looking at his Twitter and seeing his tweets it's the only way I can see where they are and actually find them.

"Passengers on board we are about the take off, please look at the front of the aircraft to see the safety clip being played"

-plane flight skipped-

we landed in the uk and my phone contract allows me to use my 4G in the uk.

I get off the plane and walk to baggage claim. I grab my bag and walk to the cab (taxi as they say it) the driver takes me to my hotel.

Walking into the lobby of the hotel, I check in and take the elevator up to my room.

[1 new text message]
From: Nash

Tess, I hope you have landed safely. Please be safe and I hope you know I love you.

To: Nash

I'm sorry it has to be like this Nash but I need to find them both.

I walk into the bathroom and turn the water for the shower on.
I undress myself and and get in the hot shower.
washing my self I begin to cry, I can't help but think of my life now and how it is.
Everything would of been different if I didn't kiss Nash. I would still have Matt and Ava with me and I wouldn't be here now looking for them both in a huge city.

After 10mins in the shower I climb out and open my suitcase to look for Matts t-shirt that I always use to wear.

I unlock my phone and go on twitter .again. I look on matts profile and he tweeted 2 mins ago. Omg he's eating at a local restaurant called

I jump out of bed and put a nice dress on real quick and tie my hair back. To be exact it was the dress Matt likes best.

I run down the stairs of the hotel and into a cab outside. "Nandos please"

The driver takes me to the place. "Keep the change".

-thinks so self-
Matt is just inside and I'm about the see him and walk in. What if he reacts horribly and storms out and leaves? I'm so scared.

Holding my breath I walk into the place and look over to matts table.

Ava turns to look, she has a huge smile on her face. I'm so surprised.

Matt then turns around and looks over, his face shocked he gets up and looks me dead in the eye. He picks Ava up and walks to the door where I am, grabbing my arm he walks out pulling me with him.

I had tears in my eyes. And so did Matt,
"What are you doing here?!" He says shocked and slightly mad.
"I came to find you , you have no idea what I've done to come and find you both. I miss you so much and I can't live without you...please matt" I said trying to keep my tears in.

"I'm so sorry Tess. I've put you though a lot and I never should of done that I'm so so so sorry!" He says putting Ava in my arms.

Matts leans in to hug us both and kisses my cheek.
"Where are you staying tonight?" He asked.
"I'm staying in a hotel about 20 minutes away" - Matt held my hand and said "stay with me tonight, please"- I nodded and we got a cab back to his rented apartment.

It's been 1hour since we got back to his apartment. Ava is sleeping and Matt and I are in the bed talking.
"Tess, you have no idea how stubborn I have been I've treated you so badly, i know you care because you have come all this way to find me it much of cost you a fortune."

Tears running down my face-"Matt I still love you, your everything I want and more I was stupid to kiss Nas--" I was cut off by Matts soft kiss.
"We have a lot to talk about but I know we will get though this Tess! I want you back but we need to talk about things and Make our minds up"

I leaned in and kissed Matt, he held my face with his hands and the kiss turned intense and suductive.
"We can't, not yet, we need to wait until we can become intimate again" Matt said embracing me as we cuddled in bed.

We fell asleep in each other's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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