Part 8 / braxton hicks

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( thanks for 295 views! Doesn't seem like a lot but it is for me! I love you all , keep reading and voting!💫)

I've been for my 36week scan and I could of known the gender but I decided to keep it as secret so I didn't want to know what it was until the birth!

I'm so big now and could pop any day , I only have About 4weeks to go until I hit my 40week mark (finale) me and matt have ordered some baby furniture and clothing so it should come today so we can put it up!

I forgot to tell you! we have moved into a cute little apartment in Virginia, it's a 2 bed 1bath and it's perfect for us we are only renting but it will do for now!

It still needs decorating but it's okay for now, mine and matts room is big and it has a cute little balcony where you can sit and have s'mores & that.

'Babee, I'm off to meet jake&cam you okay?' Matt said as he kissed me.
'Ill be fine okay go have fun' I said shutting the door after him.

I walked up thro the hall and entered the bed room matt and I share.
I opened up the laptop and looked up "baby names" there was a list of names popping up on each page.
Boys Girls
1) tony 1)Olivia
2) Maxwell 2)Elle
3)mason 3)Paige
And so on, there must of been about at least 1,000 names on there for me to choose , but only a few were that I really liked.

I set the laptop down and walked into the bathroom I unzipped my summer dress and stood facing the mirror looking at my bump, NO STRECH MARKS!! I'm lucky, I haven't even used a oil or cream so it's genetics or just luck!? I climbed in the warm water and relaxed until matt came home.

Matt finally returned home but it was hella late and I was mad.
"Where have you been!?" I said folding my arms over my huge bump.
"Don't worry babe, I was with jake" He said slering his words.
" Have you been fucking drinking?" I said getting angry.

"Baaabee, why would I do that?" He said wobbling.
"Just look at you matt your hammered what the fuck have you been doing!" I said looking at him.
"Nothing" he said giggling like a girl.

"Just fuck off matt" I said upset.
"Oh whatever" he said trying to grasp his words.

I walked up the hall and opened the bedroom door to lay on the bed, I buried my head into the pillow, my eyes began to water and became glossy.
Matt entered the bedroom.
"Look I'm sorry I love you." He said coming over.
" I was drinking and.."
"And what" I said cutting him off.

I could smell the strong sent of alcohol on his breath he was drowned in the smell.
" I took some puffy stuff" he said laughing.
"Weed? You took weed?!" I said getting annoyed.

How could matt do that? Take weed, he should know fucking better! Matts a good guy he would of been pressured into that nasty shit, fuck sake.

"Matt your in the sofa" I said opening the door.
I watched matt leave and watching him going to the sofa. Of course I love matt , but I was mad at him really mad, I mean drugs no just no, I can't face it tonight.

I climbed into bed and tried to settle , i couldn't sleep I had too many things on my mind. So I decided to go for a walk.

I pulled a big coat from the dresser and pulled it round me and out on my uggs.
I kept on walking and I came a cross a stray dog, his skin was damaged from fleas and ticks , he was skinny and exhausted , he didn't trust me at first but he soon lightened up to me, I wrapped my Warm fuzzy coat around him and lifted him up to my chest I kissed his bare hairless head and walked home.

No more nights in the street for this little guy, well he wasn't that little he was a Dalmatian but not fully grown so he was easy to pick up.

I unlocked the door and put him down on the warm wood flooring. He stood there for a while , I placed a bowl of fresh drinking water down In front of him and trailed some chicken across towards me so he would come closer in to the lounge.

Matt was still sleeping so I wasn't waking him. The dog walked close little by little until he came into the my caring arms and embraced my bump he gave it a lick through my vest top leaving a wet mark from his lick.

He had so much trust for me and I wasn't going to break it.
It's now 9:21am (what's 9+10=?) and I walked to the kitchen to be approached by matt.
"Baby I'm sorry I don't know what happened last night but by looks of it was bad cause I'm on the sofa." He said.

"Look matt you took weed and you were hammered , for your safety please don't hang with jake like that again please cause your getting into shit and it's breaking my heart you were mental lastnight ." I said trying to forgive.

"Forgive me , I promise Ill never do it again" he said opening his arms.
" can I get it in writing? " I said joking,
He pulled me into a hug and I kissed his cheek, "want a paracetamol?" I asked

"Sure , btw who's this little guy?" Matt said.

'Monty' I had named him, he was not as warmed up to matt as he was with me and kept coming closer to my legs, I had to just give him a slight shove to tell him not to be scared of matt, he soon warmed up realising matt ment no harm.


I had woke up from a power nap to have chronic pains in my lower stomach were my womb was, was I going into labour or what?
I let it slide until a hour later I was still getting pains , I asked matt to take me to hospital, when we got there we found out it was just braxton hicks and there was nothing to worry about.

I was glad It was all ok.

So later on I decided to take monty for a vet appointment, on a health check up .
I told her about where I had found him and she told me to give him flea drops once a week , she gave him a flea bath and creamed him up with soothers.

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