Who did that to you

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Warning :Possible sensitive topics ,fluff

Summary :You hadn't been at school for a few days and when your boyfriend Eddie checks up on you he notices something was wrong .

"You tell anyone ,I mean anyone about this ,your dead ,understand ?"

"Yes sir "

The same conversation between you and your father played through your head as you walked to school .
Usually your boyfriend would pick you up at half 8 but you couldn't bare to be in the house any longer .

You arrived  surprisingly on time ,your bag heavy on your shoulders .

Your phone had been ringing for the past half an hour ,Eddie calling ,presumably wondering why you weren't at your house to be picked up .

"Hey y/n ,wait a sec ",The same boy called after you ,just as he slammed the door shut to his car .He quickly strode over to you in the car park ,worry contorted over his face .

"Why didn't you answer your phone ?"he asked impatiently as you tried to avoid eye contact with him .

"Sorry it was dead ",you lied realizing your phone was directly in your hand ,attempting to hide it .

Eddie took it from you,clicking on the home button to prove it was on .

"67% ,says right there in the corner "

You tried to ignore him ,walking away to get to your first class but he grabbed your arm pulling you back to him .

"Hey hey ,what's the matter ?"He placed his hands gently on the side of your arms ,trying to get through to you .

You turned your face away from him ,not bearing to look at the boy ,scared to burst out crying .

"Nothing Eddie ,nothing ",you pushed away from your boyfriend ,hoping he would leave you alone .

Thankfully he did


It was lunch time and you hadn't spoke to anyone other than Eddie from before period 1 ,people had asked if you were alright ,you simply nodding in return .
As you walked the halls you felt as if everyone was staring at you ,whispering about you .
Rushing into the bathroom you looked at yourself in the mirror and realized why .
The makeup had rubbed off .

Your black eyed , cut and bruised face reflecting back .

You didn't bring anything with you ,shit .

Pulling up your hood you walked out of the bathroom,quickly bombarded by Eddie again .

How did he find you ?

After following you for a few minutes he pulled you into the nearest janitor closet ,forcing your hood down .

"Who did that to you ?"he questioned pure worry and anger plastered on his face .
He'd heard the rumors ,didn't think they were true though .

"No one did Eddie ",you spoke trying to look away from him .

He grabbed your chin ,moving it so you were forced to face him .

"Don't lie to me ,who did it",he gritted out ,his anger surfacing .

You really didn't want to lie .

"It was my dad ,we got into an argument and things just ..got out of hand ",you tried to fend for your father knowing what Eddie was thinking .

"No sweetheart things didn't just get out of hand ,you were abused ,badly ",Eddie could hardly look at you now ,too much anger and disbelief building .

"Don't do anything Eddie please ",the boys arms that were on either side of you were now flaying around,one squeezing the tip of his nose ,the other resting on his hip .

"Your staying with me ",he demanded looking at your precious eyes and giving you a comforting hug .

"I can't ,he'll know I've told someone ,I wasn't ..I wasn't supposed to tell anyone ",you began to stifle ,holding onto your boyfriend tighter .

"I'll keep you safe ,he won't hurt you y/n ",Eddie whispered ,resting his chin on the crown of your head .

"You promise ?"

"I promise "

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