Let me go part 2

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Warning :Angst ,mentions of self harm /suicide ,cleaning wounds trope
Summary :Eddie takes care of you
Requested :Yes

After a while of Eddie just holding you on the side of the road you began to calm down ,your body feeling numb from all the pain .The boy suggested he take you back to his trailer,after all you were looking pretty beaten up and people were coming up to the two of you and asking if they needed to phone someone .He insisted everything was ok and that he had everything under control .

As you began to walk to his car you felt your knees buckle and you nearly went crashing to the floor ,thankfully Eddie was right by your side and carried you the rest of the way .

Once he lifted you into the passenger seat, he grabbed a blanket from the back of his car and wrapped it tightly around your body .
It smelt faintly of weed and cologne .

It was comforting .

The boy got into the drivers seat starting the car ,messing with the radio .It was going from really happy songs to extremely sad songs .None the which you needed right now .

Eventually he managed to shut it off ,looking over at him you could tell he was mortified and stressed .He'd picked up a girl who was about to kill her self and his radio was blaring 'take on me ' by a-ha .

What he didn't realize was that it actually made you smile slightly .It was one of your favorite songs ,you and your mum used to dance to it in the kitchen when your dad was away at work .

You stared out of the window, hands shaking slightly at the memory and flash backs of what you had just attempted came flooding back .

You felt so much nothing that you didn't know if you did want to be alive or not .You didn't know wether you wanted to escape this torturous world or not .

You just didn't know .

Eddies driving was erratic but careful as he was aware that any sharp turns probably cause you serious pain .He'd seen the bruises on your face and neck and he dreaded to think what was on your body .

Before you knew it you were at the trailer park ,the boy stopped in front of his home ,grabbing you from the passenger seat and carrying you bridle style .

He hastily opened his door and walked you to what seemed to be his bedroom ,placing you down on his bed .

"Are you comfortable ?"he asked to which you didn't respond simply staring off into the distance .

He bent down and picked up his duvet that had been discarded on the floor ,placing it over your frail body ,all the way up to your chin so only your head was sticking out .

"I'm going to get a first aid kit and some hot chocolate ,are you okay with that ?"His voice was gentle and caring ,something you weren't used to .You managed to whisper a solemn yes ,your vocals sounding like grit .

Within minutes ,Eddie was back with a bowl of hot water , a first aid kit and a hot chocolate for you .He placed it down onto the bedside table telling you it was there if you wanted it .

"I ran out of marshmallows I'm afraid ",he spoke as he sat down on the bed next to you ,the mattress slumping .

You were to scared to look at him ,too scared that he was judging you .

"Your wounds need cleaned ,can I move the duvet down slightly ?"You nodded your head ,still staring off into the distance .

You felt the fabric move to sit around your waste and heard Eddie fiddling with the first aid kit .

"Is it ok if I touch you ?"You nodded your head again ,watching Eddie as he re adjusted your body so you were sitting up in his bed .He began to dip a cloth into the bowl of warm water bringing it up to your face .

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