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Warning :Teasing ,mentions of masturbation ,sex ,virgin reader
Summary :You realize how much you can effect your sworn enemy ,Eddie Munson
Requested :Yes

Eddie Munson was a living nightmare in your eyes .Your first encounter had been at the beginning of seventh grade,the teacher had set a challenge to everyone.You were all sitting in a circle and as an ice breaker the person next to you had to compliment something about you .It could be as simple as your hair looks nice .

When it came to Eddies turn who just happened to be next to you ,his mind went 'blank' and he couldn't possible think of a single compliment to give you ,in front of the whole class .

Ever since that day you'd sworn to yourself to not say a single nice thing about Eddie Munson or to him and 4 years later you were still paying the price of that decision.

As the years went by in high school ,your few friends dropped like flies until it was just you .You weren't exactly a social butterfly to say the least so you found it hard to find many new ones ,spending most breaks and lunches in the library or music room .

You found comfort in reading ,getting engrossed in a whole other world .The same with music ,despite the fact you couldn't play an instrument except your own vocal cords ,you certainly loved to listen to it .
Anything from the latest pop ,jazz from the 30s or your favorite ,metal .

You tried to avoid Eddie Munson at all costs but that was pretty difficult considering you took most of the same classes ,and not to mention you only lived a few miles away from each other .Often you'd be riding home on your bike ,headphones in when the boy would speed by almost knocking you off .

Eddie always found a way to get to you ,wether it be writing horrible notes to you in class ,shouting at you from across the canteen or even just glancing at you in a certain way .

It always got to you .

You were an insecure bird ,features not exactly the stereotypical 'pretty 'type ,you weren't stick thin ,your skin wasn't perfectly clear ,you wore 'geeky' glasses (it wasn't your fault you couldn't see)and your hair was always an unruly mess.

But one day you decided enough was enough .

Having usually worn jeans ,today you decided to wear a skirt ,mini to be exact .It covered your butt and protected some of your modesty but not a lot .You paired it with a crop top and hoodie along with an array of jewelry.

You felt very out of your comfort zone .

But fuck it hey ?

There was only a few weeks left of the year before everyone would forget you even existed .

Most people probably don't know you did exist .

Having spent so much time on your appearance you were nearly late to school ,having to entirely skip breakfast and hop on your bike in a rush to get there reasonably on time .

Aggravatingly you'd forgotten your headphones in the process but it didn't matter ,you were being someone else for the day .

Within your ten minute ride ,Eddie passed you in his car ,beeping his horn and slowing right down to speak to you .

Usually you wouldn't see him in the morning as you got to school extra early ,now you knew what it was like to be in his routine .

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