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I pressed the button to take us to the AU. I was honestly a little disgusted by how the voters chose the Alpha Omega AU, but I had put it there, so there was no one to blame but myself.

Instead of all being transported into a special room in Xyrus academy, though, we seemed to teleport into a lavish room fit for a king. With a TV. And couches. And I saw the trio.

"Aw shit." I said to the confused... well, everyone. "It seems we've popped into the wrong universe. Anywho, doesn't matter now."

Arthur was especially frozen, seeing the three, but I used a small bit of nanotech to dampen his emotions.

"Grey, Nico, Cecilia, I'd like you to meet the Dicathians. The ones you three will guide, both subconsciously and conciously, while in the afterlife." I said.

The three bowed to the reaction group, who was stiff with confusion.

"I set up this meeting, but it was planned for the very end of your multiversal tour." I explained. I was bombarded with many questions.

"Wait... so all three are guiding us? My guide thought he was alone..." Arthur murmered. I used a bit of nanotech to shut everyone up.

"That's because, as of right now, he is. In all seriousness, your guide- Grey, get over here. Grey here was a sort of failed spirit experiment. He came through, but didn't come in the right body. Hell, he was originally just supposed to kill of the spirit of his host and take the body for himself. He was able to stop that, though." I explained with the young ash-blond next to me.

"Anyway, while I fix my tech, you all mix and match. I, uh, due to very ethereal reasons, don't let Nico and Elijah touch." I then said, walking away to try and fix my small button.

Tessia Eralith

The girl- Cecilia was her name, was talking to me. She was very interested in my magic, and said she felt some sort of connection to me.

"So you have this 'mana' all in your atmosphere?" She asked me, curious.

I nodded and scratched the back of my head. "There is, but to be honest, Arthur probably knows more about it than anything." I chuckled.

She nodded, and we looked to Arthur, who seemingly had materialized a cup of something out of nowhere and was talking with Grey.

"No fair! He gets a drink?" I complained.

Cecilia poked my side and pointed to a table, which had food and drinks.

We continued to talk, mostly about magic, when she pulled my status as a princess up.

"Ah, that's nothing." I said. "Mostly just a pain in the ass."

"Really?" She said, taking a sip of what was called 'Mountain Dew'. "I would think your whole life would be taken care of for you."

I shook my head. "Honestly, I'd have killed myself long ago if it wasn't for Arthur. "

She looked at me a little worried. "Why?"

"Being a princess is stressful. I have to deal with constant suitors, betrayals, and assassination attempts. Arthur was sort of a three in one solution, and my first real friend." I said, fidgeting with my hair.

Abrupt Cutoff!

This is all I can do for now, my step dad was hit by a car recently so I have to help out around the house a lot more

There isn't much I can do. Part 2 of this chap will come... eventually

I'll see you all again!

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