Family Lines

465 4 1

<Claire Bladeheart>

I sat in the clearing, along with my friends. Lester, our teacher for the day, had gone to get us today's lesson.

Since Foenix was privately schooling us, he decided to recruit his friends to teach us something every day of the week.

On Mondays, Henry Zhong taught us. He gave us lessons in science and mathematics, along with explaining the differences between our world and this one. He was actually a cook but was also amazing in the field of science.

On Tuesdays, Sasha Bernard was our instructor. She taught us the arts, including music and painting, along with literature and theatre. She was an author and actor when she wasn't teaching us.

On Wednesdays, Raku Crawford taught us her field. She was multilingual and attempted to teach us the languages she knew (Arthur already knows them all). So far the hardest one for me was Mandarin. She was a professional athlete as well, and whenever she played on Wednesdays she brought us to her games.

On Thursdays, Lester Sphere trained us. He was a master swordsman bested only by Arthur. He was especially adept at the rapier, despite actually having less formal training in it than me. I heard he had no occupation, instead staying home to do housework.

On Fridays, we were given free time. Another close friend of Foenix's, Draken Gonzalez, watched over us. He was a rather well-built man who looked like he could kill with a look, but he was very nice once you got to know him. He was an officer of the law from what I know, a member of a secret police force dubbed the "American Ninjas" I believe.

(A/N: no, my dear readers from the fic server, none of these people are you)

It was a Thursday, and supposedly Mr. Sphere had something big planned.

He came with a- a griffin, for fucks sake, on a leash, obediently following him! One of the most untameable mana beasts, at his beck and call!

"Now class, I felt that today would be a little different from regular classes. Because of that, I decided to bring in someone you should be familiar with."

A loud caw resonated through the field, and a large familiar flare hawk descended with an amazing familiar woman on its back.

"Well, I never thought I'd be teaching again," Professor Glory shouted, landing on the field.

"We're going to be learning mounted combat," Mr. Sphere said, getting onto the griffin. "You all know Professor Glory and Torch, but I doubt you've met my griffin, Ragnarok. He's a clone, like most mana beasts alive today."

Arthur groaned. "Don’t tell me, off the coast-"

"Off the coast of Costa Rica is where most of them are kept, yes. The rest are in Siberia or Mongolia," Mr. Sphere himself groaned, rubbing Ragnarok's pelt softly.

"Of course, to learn mounted combat," Mr. Sphere said, "You'll all need mounts."

"Those of you that have bonds already, aka Arthur and Curtis, will be assisting your classmates as they find their own," Professor Glory announced, grinning. "The next few days will be a field trip of sorts, as we explore the wilderness to find you all suitable bonds."

Tessia raised her hand. "Can you explain the reason why there are three different locations?"

Mr. Sphere sighed. "Well, as you know, Dicathen had a much more varying and wild climate than anything seen on Earth. We had to create multiple sanctuaries to cater to every species' environmental needs."

We all nodded in understanding.

I immediately began to wonder what creature would choose me. It would probably be from Mongolia, as most fire-wind species of mana beast lived in deserts.

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