Drama Time

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I sat in between Feyrith and Curtis as Foenix went through the memories. Claire sat with Kathyln in her lap, making some of the Dicathian adults (my parents, the Helsteas, Helen, who was visiting, and the Glayders) nervous (although that could have been due to Claire sitting next to at least fifteen unsheathed swords). Tess sat with her parents, wearing a black jacket, a baseball cap, and purple leggings. Nobody questioned her clothes or anyone else’s. Lilia sat next to Feyrith, Ellie next to her. Elijah was voluntarily taped to the wall. My parents were in a loveseat, Helen standing behind them. The Glayders both sat in a recliner each on an opposite side of the room. The Helsteas sat on dinner chairs that had been moved to the living room by Grey, who was on his stomach, on the floor.

I already explained Tess’s clothes. Curtis, Feyrith, Elijah and I all wore matching blue jackets that said, “Xyrus” on them. I had khaki shorts, Curtis had jeans, Feyfey had black leggings, and Elijah wore sweat pants. Claire was wearing a loose pink blouse with ripped red jeans while Kathyln wore a black dress suit. Ellie and Lilia wore T-shirts and shorts (thankfully not too short).

The adults had not changed out of their home clothes.

Finally, Foenix chose an unmarked memory.

Once he chose it, Regis jumped from his back, laying next to him as Grey began to visibly sweat.

“I don’t know which one this is, but I’m sure as hell curious,” Foenix said.

Mom looked to Grey and said, “I don’t think it’s a good one.”

Foenix looked at Grey. “There are a lot of memories that could make him sweat like that.”

Regis let out a soft laugh. “Oh, this one’s funny. Embarrassing for Princess, but funny.”

(Quick a/n, due to wattpad not being cooperative, the video will now be known by being in between <<video>> things. That is all)

<<Sylvie licking my cheek stirred me from sleep some time later. ‘Papa, are you feeling better now?’

“Honey, Art’s awake,” I heard a voice to my left say. My mother.>>

My eyes widened as I realized which one it was. Regis and Foenix had malicious grins while Tess and Grey both had the color drain from their faces.

“You said-”

<<I ignored the pain and turned my head. “Hey Mom, when did you guys get here?” I gave her the best smile I could muster.>>

“Rule one, don’t trust anyone.” I wanted to blast that stupid smirk right off his face.

<<“Are you okay? Director Goodsky hasn’t told us exactly what happened yet. How did you get hurt so badly on the first day of school?” I could tell she wanted to hug me but she held herself back. I was obviously not in the best state for that. Instead, she used a damp rag to wipe away the sweat dripping from my face, and I realized I was drenched.>>

Curtis nervously scratched the back of his head and began to sweat.

<<My sister leaned forward from the other side of the bed. “Brother! Are you okay? Does it hurt?” My eyes widened in horror as she raised a hand to start probing me, but before she was able to touch me, Mother pulled her hand back.

“You’re already getting into fights, Son?” my father asked, smirking.>>

Tess chuckled. "I believe his job was to stop fights, not start them."

<<“You should see what the other guy looks like.” I managed a grin, making him laugh.

My mother just gasped at this and started actually imagining what the other person must look like.>>

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