Meeting The Girl

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Arthur Leywin

Foenix reappeared right before our eyes, seemingly rejuvenated. He gave us a warm smile before speaking.

"Okay, so, most of the DC and Lances are all healed up, along with Adam, Helen, and Gideon, so you'll be waking up in 3... 2... 1..." He said before they all ceased to exist in the theater. Claire was still here, though.

"How bad is it?" She asked. "I mean, I'm still here."

He sighed before shrugging. "Your mana core suffered a crack, although we believe it may just be getting to the next stage. Other than that, your brain is just recovering. You hit your head pretty hard when reality was breaking down. It isn't serious, just keeps you out for a while."

She nodded, seemingly happy with this.

"What about us?" My mother asked.

Foenix shrugged. "Actually, other than Arthur, it's all just various head injuries."

"What about Arthur, then?" This time Tessia asked.

Foenix inhaled sharply and refused to make eye contact. "His body... well shit. He was ripped up to the point where we thought he was a corpse when we gound him. He was missing all his limbs, one of his eyes had been gouged out, there was a large fracture in his skull, several of his ribs were shattered, his back was broken in multiple places, and his mana core was shattered." My mother was crying, my father's eyes wide. Tess and Ellie were clinging to me, and I saw several others holding in their breath or crying. "But I then saw something that garunteed his survival. A black will o wisp that called himself Regis. This majestic being, and yes that's a joke Regis is a complete horn dog, showed us that his beast will had saved him. He literally regrew everything he had lost. He even formed a new core."

Everyone, with their teary eyes and shocked expressions, turned to me.

"That and a little DNA transfusion from your bond." He then coughed and in between coughs he said "adoptive daughter" really quietly.

"Anyway" he said, "let us react again while we wait for your brains to heal! How about how Arthur and Tessia met?"

The Eraliths and I all tensed up. It wasn't  a happy occasion. This was not unnoticed.

"Uh, Tessia, there's a room over there if you wanna wait. I understand it was a little... traumatic." Foenix then said, pointing to a door that said, "Fuud".

She shook her head. "The past is the past."

He nodded. "Oh, one last thing. To avoid confusion, Arthur refers to himself and Grey as the same person. And on to the show!"

Looking around, trees that towered high over my head surrounded me. There was a dense fog that loomed thickly a couple centimeters off the ground, filling the air with nearly palpable moisture.

Trees and an unnaturally thick fog…

I sank back on my butt, crestfallen at what this could only mean.

I was in the Forest of Elshire

A disheartened sigh escaped from my mouth as I picked myself up.

It seems like I won't be meeting my family anytime soon. It had been over four months since I had fallen off of the cliff. My family had most likely either gone back to Ashber or had maybe even decided to stay in Xyrus.

I didn't have any sort of provisions except for the clothes on my back and the strange stone that was wrapped in Sylvia's feather. This cursed fog limited my vision to about a few meters around me. While reinforcing my eyes with mana helped quite a bit, that didn't solve the even bigger problem of how to get out of this place.

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