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Authors note, Wattpad doesn't like me changing the boldness or italics or the underlinededness of the words, so I'm going to set up some new things

/Name\ is a POV change

<Video> is a video.

Also this chapter is probably gonna be in the middle bc wattpad hates me

That's all. Let the chapter begin!

/Alexander Foenix\

I sighed, grabbing the papers and rereading them one more time. It had been about a year since we had saved everyone. I lived alone with my daughter again.

"Dicathian Humans: 2,965,207
"Dicathian Elves: 1,326,201
"Dicathian Dwarves: 2,327,976
"Alacryan Humans: 1,204,810
"Alacryan Lessurans: 2,210,175

"Dicathian Human populations are fitting in the easiest due to a surprising lack of cultural differences between them and American Humans. It has quickly become a symbol of status to befriend and get romantically involved with Dicathian Humans, as their offspring are healthier with lower risk of disease and as they age are often better problem solvers.

"Dwarves are also integrating well into society. Many Dwarves bring services that the American populace is severely lacking, such as construction workers, engineers, and metal workers. This, along with their natural metal magic and more powerful muscles, makes them perfect for laborious work Humans are unsuited for.

"Alacryan Humans and Lessurans are also adapting well into Australian society, taking their knowledge and experience from their 'Relictombs' into surviving and creating their own cities in the Outback. Their ability to create technology powered off of compound 'X-616', or mana as they call it, has caused a large boost in technological development and trade. Racism is a mild problem, but they're slowly learning to not violently insult native Earthen Australians, as it has gotten several powerful Mana Manipulators put into the hospital.

"Elves are having the hardest time adapting to American society. Their culture and preference for nature over technology has caused many bouts of violence between them and native Earthen Americans. Currently there are talks of deporting the Elven population as a whole to Canada or a remote African nation as of winter next year. As of right now the majority of them live in the Dakotas and Montana."

'Great. Trophy wife/husband Dicathian humans, slave dwarves, racist Alacryans, and Elves bout to be Trump to Mexico'd. Just what I needed.'

I took a small sip from the Bloody Mary that sat on my desk and sighed.

I picked my phone up and called Aya Grephin.


"Are you fertile?"

She was a stuttering mess at my question, answering with a meek "Yes."

"Good," I told her. "Go have as much sex as possible, get pregnant, and have a child. It may be a helping factor in not getting you race deported."


"Banned from this country. Trust me, you don't want that. If the press sees an elven mother getting seperated from her American citizen child, the uproar will be insane. To do this, you need to be the slut you were born to be."

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