A fight <3 (A/F)

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    TW: Fighting, Bone breaking ig, swearing, Small anxiety attack.

Quackity was sitting on my lap at a party, sure he was drunk out of his mind... I complained about how loud everyone was and how I didn't want to be there. He wrapped his arms around my neck, then he froze. He quickly stood up, almost falling as soon as he stood up, "Sweetheart? What are you doing???" I said quickly, my head turned. I saw them, Sapnap and Karl, I sighed as Quackity looked at them. "Those Fuckers!" He started walking over, stumbling a bit. "Quack- Quackity!" I sighed, I watched as he started arguing with them. I sat alone, my leg bounced in a semi-even pattern. The yelling hurt my ears, Fuck- It's hot in here. I Looked over a Quackity who was yelling at the others loudly, sure I couldn't hear him but- I watched as Sapnap grabbed his arm quickly. I stood up starting the walk over to him slowly, tired of this shit already- It was still so loud- I felt every fucking bump on my shoulder, every hard breath on me, every small brush against my wings. I hated it. I hated this. I hated how my vision started to blur as I walked faster. Fuck- I'm going to pass out, No- Fuck-

"Wilbur-! Wilbur- FUCKING STOP!" I felt someone grabbing me. Stop- My eyes opened quickly, I had Sapnap pinned to the floor, his nose bleeding quickly. My hands were on his shirt collar, I felt Quackity grabbing my shoulders tightly, and Sapnap was grabbing my arm tightly. "Wilbur- Hey- Love let him go-" Quackity seemed kinda panicked and a bit more sober. "I- I don't- Duckling?" I let go of Sapnap quickly. I looked at Quackity, his face scrunched weirdly. Before I knew it I was on the ground, Sapnap's hand around my throat. My wings scrunched against the ground causing me to let out a loud gasp. Everything was happening too fast, I just want it to stop- everything hurts- My arm- "Wilbur- Hey- Shhh, Hey do you hear my heartbeat? Yeah- Focus on that love..." He cradled me softly, I laid my head against his chest softly. My arm hurt- and my wings, fuck- My arm was twisted, "Wilbur- Wilbur I'm right here alright- And- And this is going to hurt a bit but-" Quackity slowly grabbed my arm, making me flinch but then rest under his touch. I watched as he took a deep breath before twisting my arm back in place.

I gasped loudly, almost more of a scream than anything.

A random 3rd person switch

Wilbur scooted out of the other's arms quickly, his wings twitching behind him. "Wilbur-" Quackity softly grabbed the other, picking him up bridal style. Wilbr softly rested his head on the smaller's chest, despite his size he was pretty strong. "Everything will be fine... The smaller muttered before setting the taller on a bed. Sure- it was comfy and soft but- Wilbur flinched when Quackity suddenly touched his arm again. "Shh- I know- I know Alright?" The small duck started putting on this makeshift cast. "Just don't move your arm too much alright?" Wilbur responded with a small weak nod. Quackity sat next to him slowly, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him close. "I-I'm sorry" Wilbur spat out quietly, slowly putting his head on Quackitys shoulder.

"Everything is fine."

556 words. Thanks for reading lol.

Wilbur angst Oneshots (A lot on TNTDuo)Where stories live. Discover now