He was a child (A/F)

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922 words. TW: Mentions of abuse, mentions of SA (Very brief), wounds, bleeding, Toxic Salbur

Some SBI fluff and some toxic Salbur cause I don't see enough of it.

     Wilbur stood there in the rain, his hair damp and his clothing soggy. Red ran down his face. A small child in his arms, covered with a wet but dryer blanket, Wilbur shielded the child. This was too much. It was all too much. He couldn't do this.

Sally kicked him out, she-she kicked him out, as well as their child. Wilbur's soft crying was barely heard, his breathing was jagged. "Fuck-Fuck-Fuck-Fuck-Shit-Fuck-Oh fuck-" The small child turned a bit, yet still fast asleep. The small one was close to his chest, the only one left. His only memory of her - Wilbur moved, just a bit, a small step to... to... To Phil's house, he wanted to see- to see his family. His moving was slow and lop-sided, he mainly was trying to protect her. The rain hit his shoulder hard, the cold... Freezing rain hit his shoulder, over and over again. He sucked in his breath sharply, his legs moved slowly and shakily. He hit someone's front door, the door looked oddly familiar. Furthermore, he knocked softly, keeping the child close. A familiar face opened the door, concern spread on the man's face. "W-Wilbur?" Wilbur walked in slowly, putting the child on the couch and hitting the floor, ignoring how he was bleeding. "Wilbur!? Hey-Shit mate-"

An older blonde picked him up slightly. He was hugging him.

Wilbur's pov (I'm tired of writing in 3rd person for):

"Dad-" I coughed out, I was so weak and tired. I was in my father's arms, he was warm compared to me. My wing twitched causing me to wince in pain, "Shit Wilbur-fuck you're bleeding a lot- c'mon..." I was led to the bathroom, and the familiar scent of cherry blossom hit my nose. The world around me was spinning, I had a hand on Phil's arm, gripping it weakly, I could barely see. "Sit down, just don't pass out on me here..." I didn't even know where I was sitting, I was in so much pain. "P-Please don't hurt me..." That's all I could mutter out, it hurt to speak, I wanted to scream. I watched as Phil's face plummeted, he cupped my face, my body acted like it was the end of the world. I flinched, and my whole body tensed up, sending waves of pain through my body. "Shhh... It's okay Wilbur, You're safe..." Phil carefully rubbed my cheeks, he pulled his hands away and grabbed something on the sink.

Whatever he put near my eye stung, it felt like it was melting my skin off. I winched a bit, trying to back away. "Wilbur, I know it hurts, but stop moving..." His voice was soft, almost unfamiliar. I was used to that woman's voice that hurt me, that touched me. I just wanted to be a normal kid, I was a kid. I am a child.

"Can you open your eyes?" I shook my head, it hurt so much. I think it was swollen. I remember a razor coming close to my eye. "Alright, shit - let me put some bandaging on it then take care of your wing" I let him, the bandages were warm as they covered my eye. He put some tape on it to help it stay on, and his gentle hands moved to my wing, it was severely torn, and I let out a cry when he touched it. "Woah, You're okay... You're safe..." He wrapped it in some sort of bandage. "Florise... W-Where is she...?" I coughed out, Phil gave me a confused look before making a silent 'O' with his lips. "She's with Tommy, is she hurt?" I shook my head slightly, I wouldn't know what to do if she was hurt. Phil helped me up, rubbing my shoulder softly, "Okay, you need rest, I'll take care of your kid." Phil let out a soft sigh as he walked with me, helping me with every step. He was so kind to me, he was so gentle. I'm not used to this. I hit the bed quickly, I winched slightly, but the idea of sleep pushed me through that pain. I closed both of my eyes, ignoring how my body was screaming with pain as it ran through my veins.

Phil's POV:

I ran my fingers through his hair as he slept, he looked like a mess, his wing torn, a cut ran across his right eye, and hickeys scattered across his neck. I pulled my hand back slowly, going into the living room. Tommy sat on the couch holding the small girl that Wilbur brought. "Phil, whose kid is this?" I sighed a bit, taking the child from my son's arms. She had orange hair and small fox ears. She was around 3. "Wilbur's. Her name is Florise I think..." She yawned a bit, turning her body. "Wilbur had sex-?" Tommy looked traumatized, and I chuckled a bit. I held the child close, she was fast asleep. "Yes, Tommy, your older brother had sex." Hours later, Wilbur stumbled into the room. I thought he was going to fall on his ass for a second, but he slowly came over to the couch. He sat down, I watched as Tommy's eyes widened in horror, Wilbur winced softly, and I gave him Florise. He carefully took her from me, smiling as he looked at him. He laid his head on my shoulder thirdly. I knew he was about to fall asleep again. I put my hand around his shoulder softly.

He was safe now. And that's all that matters

Thanks for reading, sorry if they are any spelling errors lol.

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