Breaking down over you (A/F)

521 13 4

518 words. Thank you @ghostedrosesfor the request :D Just some good ol' crimeboys

TW: Slight dissociation, panic attacks, coughing fits.

Wilbur ran quickly, okay ran was an overstatement, it was more of a quick walk. The ground crunched under him, he knew fully where he was going.... He didn't want to but his body pushed him forward. He stopped, his legs shaking from the length he walked. His surroundings were familiar.

The burger van.

Wilbur shivered at the sight of this cold and terrible place, the sadness on his face was clear. His fingers tingle as they lay on the sides of his dirty overcoat, everything just felt tired of this Of everything. Of everything, he put people through. What he put himself through. His body swayed softly, he could barely move. Why couldn't he move?

Fuck- He didn't want this- He didn't want to remember- He didn't want to remember what a terrible person he was. What a terrible person he was to fundy, a terrible person he had been to Tommy, Tubbo, Or Ranboo. His eyes darted to the haunting hole that he stood near- Wait. When did he get here? Where was he? Where? What? When did he-? He sucked in his breath quickly, the air was cold and shallow. He curled in on himself, and his hands nagged at his sweater. His legs gave out, and his knees hit the ground hard, leaving small cuts he wasn't concerned about. His quick breathing soon turned into a coughing fit, he couldn't breathe.

Tommy Pov:

I was out searching for my dumb-ass excuse of a brother. He decided it was a good idea to pick a fight with Techno, Techno said something and he ran out. So, Phil, had me go find him. "Wil! Wilbur!?" I yelled out as I continued to walk around, "Big man!? Are you around here!?" I walked around to the burger van, and that's when I heard weird noises, almost like struggled breathing.

I walked to the sound, Wilbur was on the ground, his hand covering his mouth, blocking the wrecked sobs coming out. This startled me, I slowly walked up to him, trying not to startle him. His head snapped around, looking at me. I could just now finally really see the state he was in, his curly hair stuck to his face, tears running down his face, and his knuckles were bruised. I carefully sat next to him, not facing him, just letting him cry. I put my hand on his back, he kinda flinched but didn't pull away, so I rubbed his back softly. We sat there, not muttering a word to each other. After a few minutes, he finally calmed down. "Sorry, t-that was- Wrong- you shouldn't have seen me like that." He didn't dare look at me, he only fidgeted with his fingers. "Wil- Hey we all have our moments. It's not a problem big man."

I looked at him, he glanced at me before looking away. We sat there in silence, "How about we go home? I-I could get you hot chocolate or something?" I smiled softly, standing up. "Yeah... Yeah, that sounds nice. Thanks, Tommy..." Wilbur also stood up, he followed me quickly back to the house.

Thanks for reading! And thank you for sticking with me all this time. You guys can request anytime! 


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