Nightmares (A/F)

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     Wilbur groaned, putting his hands on his head as he sat up. The cold air brushed around his face, "The fuck?" Wilbur scoffed, his voice soared and it hurt to talk. "Phil? Toms..?" He slightly yelled before he realized where he was. "No..." Wilbur stood up, wrapping his arms around his stomach, trying to ignore the burning in his chest. The train station... The cold walls, the train that came and go never seeming to stop, the silence that was so loud. It all haunted him... "I- No... I was just- I was revied-" Wilbur stammered as his legs and arms got shaky. "Fuck- no no no-" He leaned against the wall he was way too familiar with, and he slowly sunk to the ground. His breathing slowly got unstable as his knees went up to his chest. The train noises in the distance made him flinch, seemingly to get closer. Warm tears started to make their way down the Brunette's face. He clawed at the fabric of his dirty overcoat, seemingly to be the only comfort as the train passed by.

"Wil!? Hey! Wilbur get up!" Wilbur slowly opened his eyes to see Tommy, in his L'manburg uniform? "Tommy? Wha- Where are we? Why are you-" Wilbur got cut off by the younger "You are alright? What are you going on about? Do you have a fever?" Tommy crouched down to the Brunette who was leaning against the drug van. "Wilbur?" Tommy snapped his fingers pulling Wilbur out of his thoughts. "Yea- Yea, I just had a really weird dream... Are you alright? You look tired toms." Wilbur stood up as a pain shot through his arm, wincing. "Hey- careful on the arm big man- It's not going to get any better if you don't be careful." Wilbur looked over at his arm which was wrapped in a makeshift sling. 'This was right after Eret- Fuck-'

Wilbur's skin crawled at memories of that day. "Wait- Were in L'manburg right?" Wilbur scoffed, head still throbbing. "Wil are you sure you're ok? Yea- Yea we are?" That's when Wilbur's heart jumped out of his chest. "What? Wait- It's not-" Wilbur's breathing started picking up, and he took a step away from Tommy. "Wilbur what- Calm down..." Tommy stepped forward "Wilbur what are you going on about?" "Tommy- I- I can't be here! This- Fuck" Not long after the sound of explosions filled the Brunette's ears. "Fuck! Tommy!" Ringing filled his ears as he tried to stand back up "TOMMY!?" He screamed, barely being able to hear himself over the ringing in his ears. Then he saw the smoke disappear,


Wilbur cringed slightly seeing him like this again. He had Tommy, Dream held a sword to the younger blonde's neck. Wilbur stood there his hand ready the grab his sword. "Don't do this Dream..." Wilbur's voice was stern, he usually used it on Tommy when he stole something. Wilbur saw the terrified look on the youngers face. "Tommy I-It's okay! Don't- Don't move-" Wilbur lied, he knew it was a lie, he knew that nothing would be okay. He watched as Dream slit Tommy's throat, he watched as Tommy's body went limp, he watched as Dream put his sword away, grabbing more TNT. He watched as he slowly lit it dropping it on the ground and running. He watched as everything was gone. But it wasn't his fault this time.

The burning in his chest started again as his vision got blurry, he closed his eyes, opening them to see Phil standing in front of him but- but he looked a bit different, and- this was 'the button room.' The burning in his chest was worse. Wait- Phil's arms wrapped around him as he fell, Wilbur coughed up blood, his head resting on Phil's shoulder, slowly feeling the life leave him "P-Phil?" Phil shushed him as he ran his hand through the youngers hair. "Shh- It's ok, It's ok... You're going to be okay..." They both knew that wasn't true, Wilbur felt his life slipping more "I- sorry..." Wilbur's body went limp.

Wilbur gasped, throwing his body up. He sat upright, his breathing fast and heavy, his arms shook as he reached up covering his mouth the muffle the now wreaked sobs coming out. 'Is this even real?' Wilbur's heart and mind were racing, he didn't notice his partner waking up. "Wilbur? Why are you aw- Wilbur?" Quackity was frightened by the state of his boyfriend, he slowly sat up, sitting next to his boyfriend. "Wil? Sweetheart are you alright." He reached up for the others shoulder just to receive a hard flinch. He propped himself in front of the brunette, slowly grabbing his arms, ignoring the flinching that came with it. "Love, breathe. You're ok..." Wilbur didn't seem fazed by this and just slightly looked down at his partner. "Wil, c'mon breathe with me" Quackity proceeded to take loud deep breaths that Wilbur slowly followed. Wilbur's wings seem to relax as well as his whole body, "See you're alright..." Quackity pulled Wilbur into a loose hug and started to rub his back slowly. "Sorry," Wilbur whispered slightly and laid his head on Quackitys. "Mi Amor, there is nothing to be sorry for... It wasn't your fault." Wilbur hummed in response. Wilbur wrapped his wings around the smaller one, slowly drifting off into sleep.

This time he knew he was safe :)


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