[ ☁️ ] BEN Drowned | Male Reader

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Genre: Fluff
Prompt: BEN can't keep himself together around y/n. He's falling helplessly in love and decides to finally confess with the help of his friend.


BEN watched with a small smile on his face as he watched y/n talk to Toby. The male laughed, a smile on his face as he gently hit Toby for whatever the man had said. BEN wasn't paying attention to their words, only of how dangerously handsome y/n was.

Jeff snapped his fingers in front of BEN and huffed. "Hey! Pay attention!"

BEN snapped back in reality and looked at the board in front of Jeff, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, and he. Monopoly; and it was BEN's turn.

"Oh, right."

BEN rolled his dice and started moving his token. He softly cursed as he landed on LJ's property, handing him the money he owed as the clown giggled at his misfortune. BEN watched EJ roll the dice next, and as the cannibal started moving his token.. he couldn't help but glance over at y/n.

To his surprise, y/n was looking at BEN from the corner of his eye. The elf swallowed hard, nervousness suddenly engulfing his body and butterflies igniting in his stomach. Y/N slightly tilted his head and turned it more towards BEN, a grin placed on his lips.

Oh, and what pretty lips they were.

BEN wanted to kiss those pretty lips of his bruised. He wanted to feel y/n's body against his. To sit in y/n's lap and run his fingers through that [textured] hair and admire it with all he's got. He wanted to feel y/n rub his back and waist and he wanted y/n to adore him. The thoughts made BEN's hands slightly shake and he seemed unable to break eye contact. He has a small, flushed smile on his face as they share eye contact for maybe too long than they should.

The eye contact is broken when Hoodie looks over at BEN and the group, to which y/n shakes his head and licks his pretty lips. Upon BEN reading those lips, he could tell that y/n told Hoodie 'It's nothing'. And BEN payed more attention to the board game once more. Yet he couldn't help and sneak a few glances at y/n when he felt the time was right, that sheepish smile still adoring his face and complimenting his cute red cheeks.


For once BEN wasn't playing games in his room. Instead, he was on the bed, face in his pillow and he suddenly started screaming and kicking his feet. He hugged his pillow tight, a big, wonky smile on his face.

BEN flung around defensively as he felt someone's presence. Grabbing the pillow, he threw it at the intruder.

"Jeff! Get the hell out!" BEN complained. Jeff cackled.

"You looked like a little girl thinking about her crush," Jeff catches the pillow and sits down beside BEN. He held the pillow in his lap and looked around BEN's room. He came to play video games, but there was obviously something up with his friend.

"So? Who is it?"

BEN was silent for a good while. He softly bit his lower lip as images of y/n flashed through his lovesick mind. His smile, his laugh, his eyes, his voice, how he yelled when they played video games together. Everything about y/n just seemed so perfect to BEN. Like the man was a prince straight out of a fairytale book; and BEN wanted to be his princess.

"It's.." BEN started, but stopped, questioning if it was truly a good idea to tell his best friend. Jeff was horrible at romance.

"It's?" Jeff raised an eyebrow, growing impatient.

"It's y/n," BEN confesses, but before Jeff can open his mouth to comment, BEN continues, "You can't tell anyone! I swear I'll kill you if you do!" BEN reaches behind to grab his pillow for another attack, but soon realizes that Jeff still has it in his lap.

"Dude? You never told me you were gay?" Jeff questions. He thought they were bros? Why hadn't he known this before?

"I'm not gay!" BEN quickly defends, "I like girls, too! It's just.. y/n. . There's something about him." BEN stared down at his lap and couldn't help but smile once more. Jeff realized that BEN had it bad, practically a sucker for y/n.

"Well? How are you going to confess?" Jeff questions. BEN softly inhales and shrugs his shoulders.

"I haven't thought that far. I was actually wondering if you had any ideas..?"



BEN regrets asking Jeff for help, because now he was getting dragged down the hallway by his wrist. Jeff had demanded BEN be blunt and tell y/n his feelings somewhere private and nice.

Before BEN could even complain, he and Jeff were standing in front of y/n. 'Dangerously' handsome y/n who turned to them with a hint of curiosity and his seemingly gorgeous eyes that BEN couldn't get enough of. He almost blurted out his feelings then and there shamelessly.

"BEN wants to talk to you, y/n. In private." Jeff's usual snarky attitude almost demanded for y/n to go with BEN. BEN only nodded in agreement, his heart pounding out of his chest and he was afraid if he got any more nervous that it would truly jump out of his chest. His hands slightly shook and BEN kept shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"Oh? Wanna head outside, then?" Y/N asks, crossing his arms as he stared down at the two. BEN quickly nods and almost dashes outside. Y/n wasn't far behind the little speed walker. He wondered what was so important that BEN had to speed walk to tell him.

Outside, y/n leaned against the mansion wall, arms still crossed and BEN can see how muscular his arms are.

Oh, how he wanted those strong arms to wrap around him in a hug.

"Uh.. so.. I just wanted to say," BEN began nervously, suddenly the dirt beneath his feet seemed much more interesting, but he tried to keep his composure and look y/n in the eye.

"I like you, okay? I like you a lot. I.. I wanna be boyfriends, y/n. ."

BEN swallows hard as y/n's eyes swirl with emotion. Emotions that he couldn't quite tell what they were and he couldn't help but believe he messed everything up. He usually wasn't so shy. Usually he said things when he wanted whenever he wanted, not caring how controversial his opinion was. But with y/n, everything felt like it mattered. BEN closed his eyes, feeling if he stared at y/n for a reaction any longer he'd end up broken.

Upon feeling fingers on his chin, gently lifting up his head, BEN opened his eyes once more to see y/n grinning down at him.

Oh, how that grin would be the death of him.

"BEN, you're so cute. .~ Of course, we can be boyfriends." Y/N leans down and kisses BEN's cheek, and the elf swore he was about to pass out. He felt as if he was dreaming. Snapping himself out of his daydreams, he jumps up and tackles y/n into a hug.

Y/N chuckled and hugs back. He had already figured BEN liked him. . he just wanted the cute elf to man up and say it to his face. He wasn't disappointed.

BEN felt like he was finally the prince(ss) in y/n's fairytale, and that was the best feeling of all.

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