Chapter 2 🧡

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Chapter Two
Anike’s POV

Time really flew by and things have been going really great.

Jada spends most of her time here with me and even though I used to hate not being alone, Jada gets me. She does not stress me enough to give an answer to all she says because I mostly listen.
She loves talking about her twin brother, Jayden and even though I have not seen him, he smells like trouble.

She is always complaining about him and all his pranks and his friends but I haven’t seen him for once. We went shopping together but Jada complained about him going with his friends instead of her.

And five days after getting here, I am packing my bags into grandma’s jeep. I have never stayed in a hostel before and Jada helped me pack my load too. 

“Did you get everything?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Has your mum called, you know phones are not allowed once you get in the school.”

I shook my head lightly and got into the jeep. I heard grandma sigh as she got in quietly, dropping the matter like I had hoped she would.

The driver drove us to the school and I just spent the entire trip looking outside the window. 
The view here is definitely different from that of Lagos.

While Lagos would have been filled with yellow buses, the ones here were a mix of yellow and brown and I only saw a few before we got into the estate. The rustic town also brought different vibes.

“You have to focus on your book here Anike. Do not get distracted by anyone.”

“Yes ma’am.”
I replied absent mindedly.
It is not like I am willing to get distracted in the first place.

“You see, this school is as bad as it is good. I was once a principal there so I know. stay away from trouble, okay?”


The view suddenly changed from Beautiful houses to the sight of a huge gate with the name Royals Academy written on it.

Wow, the gate even matched the standard.
As if just noticing the little traffic caused by different cars trying to drive in.
A curious look filled my face when I saw the type of structures in the compound. A school like this truly exists in Nigeria. 


I stared open mouthed at the statue of a boy and girl in the school uniform with a book in hand. It was so perfectly done and this is truly a big upgrade from the secondary school I transferred from.
 while that one was just a single structure in a compound, I can’t count the ones here.

The driver finally parked the car after finding a good spot.

“Remember what I said Anike.”
grandma said again before I could step out.
“Yes grandma.”
I muttered  and got down from the jeep.

 I looked around and the cars parked around here looked so luxurious. Different parents and students were  trying to get their stuff from the car while some others watched their drivers do the work. 

Everyone was dressed casually, making me look less odd or more like making it less obvious that I am new.

The kinds of bags people were bringing down from their various vehicles made me wonder why they parked so much load to school. What exactly is in there?

Uniforms or food, because I just don’t understand.
Before I could get to the booth of the jeep and open it, I heard someone scream my name.


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