Chapter 9

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Fury, Hill and Harley were in the makeshift S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

"Energy spiking." Fury said.

"We have seismic activity." Hill said.

"A lot of it to." Harley said.

At the carnival MJ looked at the ground and the ement ground started breaking, revealing magma flowing underneath. The lava flew out and moved up a statue and wrapped around it. She and other people started running away and yelling ould be heard in the crowd. Then the statue exploded revealing the Fire Elemental and roared.

"Okay, he's here! Beck, are you ready? You know what to do." Peter said noticing the apparition of the Fire Elemental.

Then Beck flew in from above toward the Fire Elemental.

"On your lead, Spider-Man." he said.

The Fire Elemental jumped from the statue's original position to the ground and smashed a vehicle. It grew as it absorbed the metal and roared again. The crowd was running away. The ferris wheel operator had run away as well. Betty and Ned are left on the ferris wheel, high above the ground, panicking.

"No, come back! Come back and help us!" Betty said to the operator.

The Fire Elemental destroyed and smashed several structures. Sparks, fireballs and smoke was seen. A cloud of green smoke dropped to the ground in front of the Fire Elemental, revealing Mysterio. He stepped forward, stretching his arms out. Magic green triangles rotate in front of his hands.

"You're up, Spider-Man." Beck said.

Then Peter swung in from above and threw a wooden structure at the Fire Elemental and it stumbled forward a bit. He landed on the side of a wall and looked back at it and shot a web at a fire hydrant. Beck shot two green laser beams from his hands at the Fire Elemental. Peter pulled out the fire hydrant, releasing at high pressure jet of water from the ground at the Fire Elemental. It roared and was enveloped in steam.

Betty and Ned looked at Peter.

"Wait, w-wait. Is that...? Do you think that's Peter as Spider-Man?" Betty said.

"Yeah. Just don't tell anyone else right now!" Ned said.

The Fire Elemental roared again and charged toward Peter and tried to punch him, but instead punched the wall he was attached to. Peter evaded its attack with a backflip and landed on the carousel. Then it destroyed the carousel, sending him to the ground. It was holding the destroyed metallic pieces from the carousel.

"No, Beck! He's got the carousel! He's getting bigger!" he said while Ned and MJ looked down at him.

"What's his-what's his name? What's his name then?" Betty asked Ned.

"Uh-uh... It's N-Night... Night Monkey." Ned said.

"Night Monkey?"

"Yeah. Yeah."

"Night Monkey!" she said to Peter.


"Night Monkey, help!"

"Night Monkey."

"Save us!" she said and Peter looked up at the ferris wheel and saw them.

"What?" he said.

"Night Monkey, we're stuck!"

"Oh, no, no." he said to himself.

'Night Monkey?' he thought.

"Help us! Help!"

Then he looked back at the Fire Elemental, who had grown larger and taller due to absorbing more roared loudly. Peter uses his web-shooters and shoots at the Fire Elemental, however the webs catch on fire and the fire moves down the web toward Peter. Fire Elemental walks toward Peter's direction and is about the smash Peter with its enormous hand, when suddenly Beck comes in the nick of time to protect Peter by creating a green energy dome. The Fire Elemental tries to damage the green force field.

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