Chapter 15

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Later Peter was at a tulip field walking between rows of tulips, one pink and one yellow. A roaring sound as the Beck appeared, landing in front of him as he staggered forward. Then a door opened and Happy walked down the stairs.

"Peter? Are you okay?" Happy asked.

"Happy, is that you?" Peter said.

"Is it me? Yeah, of course, it's me!" [Happy said but Peter hesitated, then halted.

"Stop! Tell me something only you would know!"

"Something only I would know. Uh. You-I-uh, remember when we went to Germany? You pay-for-viewed a video in your room? They didn't list the titles, but I could tell by the price it was an adult film at the front desk. And you didn't know how I knew-"

"Okay! Okay! Fine, it's you, it's you, stop!" Peter said and they hugged. "It's so good to see you."

"Peter, you're going to have to tell me what the hell is going on here."

Later Happy was stitching up wounds in Peter's back.

"Okay... hold still. Here we go." Happy said and Peter visibly flinched. "I thought you had super strength."

"It still hurts." Peter said.

"All right, relax. Just a few more... there we go." Happy said and Peter yelled in pain and slammed his fist on the table. "Relax!"

Then Peter jumped up from his chair.

"Don't tell me to relax, Happy! I knew something wasn't right. I did nothing and now Beck's going to kill my boyfriend, friends and half of Europe, so please do not tell me to relax." he said and sat down, silent for a few moments. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I shouldn't shout." he said. "The whole world is asking who is going to be the next Iron Man and... I don't know if that's me, Happy. I'm not Iron Man. I already own the company."

"You're not Iron Man. You're never going to be Iron Man. Nobody can live up to Tony. Not even Tony. Tony is my best friend. And he was a mess for a while. He second-guessed everything he did, he was all over the place. The one thing he did that he didn't second-guess was picking you. I don't think Tony would've done what he did... if he didn't know that you were going to be here. Your friends are in trouble. You're all alone. The tech is missing. What are you gonna do about it?" Happy said and Peter stood, determined.

"I'm gonna kick his ass."

"No, I mean right now. Specifically, what are we gonna do? Because we've been hovering over a tulip field for the last fifteen minutes."

"Right, um... I can't call my friends because he's tracking their phones... uh, give me your phone?" Peter asked and walked over to Happy.

"My, my cell phone?"


"Okay. Here."

"What's your password?"


"No, what is your password?"

"Password. The word. Spell it out, password."

"You're the head of security and your password is 'password'?"

"Yeah, I don't feel good about it either."

Peter had pulled up an app where Flash was vlogging.

"Ello, governor! Cup of tea for you? I'mma be in London soon." Flash said over the phone.

"They're in London." Peter said.

"London? Okay." Happy said and got up, moving toward the front.

"Yeah. I need a suit!" Peter said and Happy turned, a bit of a grin on his face.

"Suit?" Happy said, turned again and walked forward, pressing some buttons on the ceiling.

Then a compartment opened behind Peter and they turned and made eye contact, Peter smiling, turned back toward the compartment and moved toward it. Another small compartment opened as he stared at it. A small metal pad descended from a part of the ceiling, and he put his hand on it. Blue lights appeared, and he stepped back.

'How did I forget about this?' he thought.

"Okay, um... bring up everything you have on Spider-Man." he said and holograms appeared, and he scrolled through them as Happy watched. "Yeah, open that. Okay. No, no, no..." he said and turned around with a holographic web shooter when he noticed Happy watching him. "What?"

"Nothing. You take care of the suit, I take care of the music." Happy said and pressed a few more buttons on the ceiling, the song Back in Black by AC/DC came on.

"Oh, I love Led Zeppelin! Peter said tossing a wrench in the air." Peter said tossing a wrench in the air:

Then the plane took off from the field of tulips, and Peter expanded a hologram of the Spider-Man suit.

"Okay, can you pull up my web-shooters?" he asked and a hologram of the web-shooter appeared, and he pulled out a small part. "Isolate the taser webs and reconfigure and boost the voltage to a factor of... 25 percent. And with complete manual control over detonation."

Meanwhile Fury and Hill were walking through the halls of a building.

"I thought Kree having sleeper cells was top secret information." Fury said.

"Nick... satellites are picking up an E.M. pulse." Hill said.

"I thought that was over."

"It's the biggest one yet."



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